Trek up the Tower 2023

Overall Results--Searchable Format

Are you ready to take on the Tower? 40 floors, 870 steps, and 633 feet into the sky, First National Tower is the tallest building between Chicago and Denver. Get your feet ready and your heart pumping to Trek up the Tower!


February 18, 2023 in Omaha, NE

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Overall Results--Searchable Format - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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344 Chance Freemyer M3539 523 42/44 273/283 19:21
617 Kristina Schaffer F2529 524 26/29 251/301 19:24
457 Michele Lambert F5559 525 12/16 252/301 19:33
358 Zak Greunke M3539 526 43/44 274/283 19:34
174 Steven Scheuber M6064 527 15/15 275/283 19:35
221 Niki Bargas F3539 528 29/36 253/301 19:41
173 Patty Scheuber F6064 529 11/12 254/301 19:56
636 Asia Sheets F3034 530 44/49 255/301 19:57
272 Brittany Chamberlin F1924 531 23/27 256/301 20:00
499 Shelby McGinn F3034 532 45/49 257/301 20:18
503 Kali McIntosh F1924 533 24/27 258/301 20:23
580 Chris Powell M1924 534 23/23 276/283 20:29
793 Jazm N Otero F4044 535 43/52 259/301 20:30
435 Rose King F5559 536 13/16 260/301 20:44
742 Jen Holzapfel F3539 537 30/36 261/301 20:52
536 Melissa Nelson F3539 538 31/36 262/301 20:54
468 Judy Lemrick F6569 539 9/9 263/301 20:55
687 Mark Vanornam M3539 540 44/44 277/283 21:14
153 Tammi Neesen F4549 541 36/40 264/301 21:15
79 Gretchen-2 Jones F4044 542 44/52 265/301 21:21
771 Florina Sanches F5054 543 25/29 266/301 21:25
768 Jennifer Rich F3539 544 32/36 267/301 21:35
791 Maria Manzanares F5054 545 26/29 268/301 21:39
278 Andrea Clark F5559 546 14/16 269/301 21:57
284 Jim Collison M5054 547 19/21 278/283 22:08
762 Cindy Novak F5559 548 15/16 270/301 22:15
748 Brenda Jenny F6064 549 12/12 271/301 22:17
351 Ashley Gladden F1924 550 25/27 272/301 23:03
698 Ashlyn Ware F1924 551 26/27 273/301 23:20
327 Jill Etchison F4044 552 45/52 274/301 23:28
705 Amber Widhalm F3539 553 33/36 275/301 23:30
610 Allison Ruswick F3034 554 46/49 276/301 23:53
550 Jessica Olsen F3539 555 34/36 277/301 24:11
265 Dana Carlson F4044 556 46/52 278/301 24:19
216 Michael Atwood M5054 557 20/21 279/283 24:45
786 Gary Kelly M5054 558 21/21 280/283 24:47
784 Kelly Houfek F4044 559 47/52 279/301 24:48
507 Kelsey McSorley F3034 560 47/49 280/301 25:08
164 Tracy Daley F5054 561 27/29 281/301 25:18
204 Sonia Almodovar F2529 562 27/29 282/301 26:16

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