Trek up the Tower 2023

Overall Results--Searchable Format

Are you ready to take on the Tower? 40 floors, 870 steps, and 633 feet into the sky, First National Tower is the tallest building between Chicago and Denver. Get your feet ready and your heart pumping to Trek up the Tower!


February 18, 2023 in Omaha, NE

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Overall Results--Searchable Format - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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341 Cheryl "cj" Franko F5559 498 10/16 232/301 17:21
712 Ashley Wooten F3034 499 40/49 233/301 17:24
264 Shawn Carder F5054 500 24/29 234/301 17:25
201 Beth A Kalal F2529 501 23/29 235/301 17:27
764 Chenelle Paragas F4044 502 40/52 236/301 17:28
713 Duane Wooten M5559 503 22/23 267/283 17:34
783 Guadalupe Espinoza F4044 504 41/52 237/301 17:35
800 Monica Villafuerte F3034 505 41/49 238/301 17:38
245 Crystal Brisbin F3034 506 42/49 239/301 17:39
781 Taylor Anderson F3034 507 43/49 240/301 17:51
760 Sarah Myers F2529 508 24/29 241/301 17:54
465 Douglas Lee M6064 509 14/15 268/283 17:55
649 Hannah Sorensen F2529 510 25/29 242/301 18:19
509 Sama Mehta F1924 511 21/27 243/301 18:28
458 Deborah Lammli F6569 512 8/9 244/301 18:31
573 Dave Pickering M3539 513 41/44 269/283 18:37
426 Kellie Karr F4549 514 35/40 245/301 18:48
255 Jayden Byelick M1924 515 21/23 270/283 18:52
413 Christina Johnson F3539 516 28/36 246/301 18:55
616 Cheryl Santo F5559 517 11/16 247/301 18:55
647 Zahra Snoza-Sorensen F4044 518 42/52 248/301 18:58
673 Shari Thompson F6064 519 10/12 249/301 18:59
450 Ryan Kreifels M4044 520 37/37 271/283 19:01
716 Turner Zack M1924 521 22/23 272/283 19:03
263 Lexi Carder F1924 522 22/27 250/301 19:20
344 Chance Freemyer M3539 523 42/44 273/283 19:21
617 Kristina Schaffer F2529 524 26/29 251/301 19:24
457 Michele Lambert F5559 525 12/16 252/301 19:33
358 Zak Greunke M3539 526 43/44 274/283 19:34
174 Steven Scheuber M6064 527 15/15 275/283 19:35
221 Niki Bargas F3539 528 29/36 253/301 19:41
173 Patty Scheuber F6064 529 11/12 254/301 19:56
636 Asia Sheets F3034 530 44/49 255/301 19:57
272 Brittany Chamberlin F1924 531 23/27 256/301 20:00
499 Shelby McGinn F3034 532 45/49 257/301 20:18
503 Kali McIntosh F1924 533 24/27 258/301 20:23
580 Chris Powell M1924 534 23/23 276/283 20:29
793 Jazm N Otero F4044 535 43/52 259/301 20:30
435 Rose King F5559 536 13/16 260/301 20:44
742 Jen Holzapfel F3539 537 30/36 261/301 20:52

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