Trek up the Tower 2023

Overall Results--Searchable Format

Are you ready to take on the Tower? 40 floors, 870 steps, and 633 feet into the sky, First National Tower is the tallest building between Chicago and Denver. Get your feet ready and your heart pumping to Trek up the Tower!


February 18, 2023 in Omaha, NE

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Overall Results--Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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420 Marcie Jones F4044 462 33/52 210/301 15:49
489 Adriana Martinez F4044 464 34/52 212/301 15:51
538 Shelby Nickel F2529 463 22/29 211/301 15:51
478 Jaime Loarca M2529 465 30/31 253/283 15:55
67 Claire-11 Markham F3034 466 32/49 213/301 15:56
628 Alexandre Seite M3034 467 45/47 254/283 15:57
696 Meagan Wallace F3034 468 33/49 214/301 15:57
463 Matt Leavitt M4044 469 35/37 255/283 16:00
736 Noe Garcia M4549 470 25/28 256/283 16:05
715 Vanessa Young F3034 471 34/49 215/301 16:08
735 Abril Garcia F4044 472 35/52 216/301 16:13
486 Steve Lundeen M5559 473 21/23 257/283 16:16
752 Sierra Larsen F3034 474 35/49 217/301 16:19
273 Phil Chamberlin M4549 475 26/28 258/283 16:22
238 Brian Bonifant M5054 477 17/21 259/283 16:23
394 Tiffany Homolka F5559 476 9/16 218/301 16:23
551 Sara Olson F3034 478 36/49 219/301 16:24
269 Lisa Carstensen F4044 479 36/52 220/301 16:25
697 Steven Walters M7099 480 2/2 260/283 16:25
525 Zach Moore M2529 481 31/31 261/283 16:30
64 Gretchen-1 Jones F4044 482 37/52 221/301 16:31
695 Jim Walla M3539 483 40/44 262/283 16:31
193 Max Hiatt M3034 484 46/47 263/283 16:34
700 Elaine Weese F1924 485 20/27 222/301 16:37
352 Kayleen Goebel F3034 486 37/49 223/301 16:45
576 Elvia Plascencia F3034 487 38/49 224/301 16:47
266 Kris Carlson M4549 488 27/28 264/283 16:57
294 Stephanie Cossette F4044 489 38/52 225/301 16:58
310 Arin Doss F3539 491 27/36 226/301 16:59
553 Bryant Ott M4044 490 36/37 265/283 16:59
711 Cindy Wood F5054 492 21/29 227/301 17:00
746 Pamela Jamison F5054 493 22/29 228/301 17:05
554 Patrice Ott F4044 494 39/52 229/301 17:07
745 Nean Jamison M5054 495 18/21 266/283 17:09
295 Tracy Crowell F5054 496 23/29 230/301 17:10
718 Aja Anderson F3034 497 39/49 231/301 17:18
341 Cheryl "cj" Franko F5559 498 10/16 232/301 17:21
712 Ashley Wooten F3034 499 40/49 233/301 17:24
264 Shawn Carder F5054 500 24/29 234/301 17:25
201 Beth A Kalal F2529 501 23/29 235/301 17:27

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