Trek up the Tower 2023

Overall Results--Searchable Format

Are you ready to take on the Tower? 40 floors, 870 steps, and 633 feet into the sky, First National Tower is the tallest building between Chicago and Denver. Get your feet ready and your heart pumping to Trek up the Tower!


February 18, 2023 in Omaha, NE

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Overall Results--Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 80
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[next 40 records]

549 Abby Olsen F4044 194 9/52 59/301 10:20
387 Krista Hill F4549 195 8/40 60/301 10:21
479 Jacob Loberg M2529 196 15/31 136/283 10:22
337 Paula Folkers F5559 197 2/16 61/301 10:24
475 Kenneth Liscum M3034 198 26/47 137/283 10:26
83 David-1 Jones M5559 199 11/23 138/283 10:26
75 Lem-4 Sheard M4044 200 24/37 139/283 10:27
414 Laura Johnson F5054 201 5/29 62/301 10:27
248 Candice Brooks F3539 202 8/36 63/301 10:28
212 Donna Arens F6064 203 5/12 64/301 10:29
630 Alexa Shanahan F2529 204 7/29 65/301 10:29
218 Elizabeth Baker F1924 205 8/27 66/301 10:30
684 Silvia A Valencia Zarazua F4549 206 9/40 67/301 10:34
706 Samantha Wilson F2529 207 8/29 68/301 10:34
74 Lem-3 Sheard M4044 208 25/37 140/283 10:35
502 Mark McGrath M5054 209 13/21 141/283 10:36
178 Anna Koenig F3539 210 9/36 69/301 10:36
500 Lindsey McGrain F3034 212 11/49 70/301 10:37
637 Kevin Sheppard M6064 211 6/15 142/283 10:37
758 Colleen McCoy F4549 213 10/40 71/301 10:38
416 Todd M Johnson M4044 214 26/37 143/283 10:39
258 Patrick Caniglia M3539 215 21/44 144/283 10:41
72 Marta-4 Lindsey F6569 216 4/9 72/301 10:42
398 Shari Huebner F4044 217 10/52 73/301 10:42
586 Matt Rasmussen M3034 218 27/47 145/283 10:43
281 Joyce Clements F5054 219 6/29 74/301 10:45
512 Sarah Meyer F3539 220 10/36 75/301 10:47
71 Marta-3 Lindsey F6569 221 5/9 76/301 10:48
743 Kris Huie F4549 222 11/40 77/301 10:48
190 Matthew Bowes M3539 223 22/44 146/283 10:49
257 Marcel Campbell F4549 224 12/40 78/301 10:49
388 Erin Hockinson F3539 225 11/36 79/301 10:50
268 Chris Carson M5559 227 13/23 148/283 10:51
300 Brian Day M5559 226 12/23 147/283 10:51
304 Austin Dinges M3539 228 23/44 149/283 10:54
154 David-2 Jones M5559 229 14/23 150/283 10:54
206 Kellice Anderson M5054 230 14/21 151/283 10:55
283 Janel Cleven F3034 232 12/49 81/301 10:55
657 Laura Stoltenberg F3539 231 12/36 80/301 10:55
738 Thomas Hannam M3539 233 24/44 152/283 10:55

[next 40 records]

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