Trek up the Tower 2023

Overall Results--Searchable Format

Are you ready to take on the Tower? 40 floors, 870 steps, and 633 feet into the sky, First National Tower is the tallest building between Chicago and Denver. Get your feet ready and your heart pumping to Trek up the Tower!


February 18, 2023 in Omaha, NE

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Overall Results--Searchable Format - Results

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[next 29 records]

456 Jamie Lainson F3539 235 14/36 83/301 10:56
692 Amy Vermeline F3539 234 13/36 82/301 10:56
410 Timothy Jeppesen M4044 236 27/37 153/283 10:57
729 Conner Debban M2529 237 16/31 154/283 10:58
429 Rosemary Keenan F1924 238 9/27 84/301 11:02
176 Dylan Ward M4549 239 15/28 155/283 11:02
651 Blake Stackhouse M2529 240 17/31 156/283 11:03
192 Thad Greiner M4044 241 28/37 157/283 11:05
598 Shawn Roeber M4549 242 16/28 158/283 11:05
724 Kelsey Brown F2529 243 9/29 85/301 11:05
448 Jordan Kouma M3034 244 28/47 159/283 11:06
311 Laura Duran F3034 245 13/49 86/301 11:09
184 Josh Hansen M1924 246 11/23 160/283 11:10
719 Christopher Anderson M4549 247 17/28 161/283 11:11
220 Tatyana Bannan F3539 249 15/36 87/301 11:12
350 Nick Gilbert M3539 248 25/44 162/283 11:12
181 Ashley Mathiesen F3034 250 14/49 88/301 11:13
348 Joe Gates M1924 251 12/23 163/283 11:14
727 Dwight Cole M6064 252 7/15 164/283 11:15
590 Ashley Rich F3539 253 16/36 89/301 11:17
653 Tasha Stamer F4044 255 12/52 91/301 11:17
151 Amber Cornist F4044 254 11/52 90/301 11:17
175 Lisa Waite F4549 256 13/40 92/301 11:18
227 Sarah Belmont F2529 259 10/29 94/301 11:20
677 Dennis Tresca M4549 258 18/28 165/283 11:20
699 Melanne Weekly F3034 257 15/49 93/301 11:20
338 Sara Forster F2529 262 11/29 97/301 11:21
354 Erin Grabowski F3539 260 17/36 95/301 11:21
690 Monika Venteicer F4549 261 14/40 96/301 11:21
542 Aimee Noel F5054 263 7/29 98/301 11:22
583 Jesse Ramirez M2529 264 18/31 166/283 11:22
183 Travis Fowler M3034 265 29/47 167/283 11:23
602 Paige Rolland F2529 266 12/29 99/301 11:23
301 Debbie Depperman F6064 267 6/12 100/301 11:24
739 Brenda Hillman F5054 268 8/29 101/301 11:24
521 Troy Molstad M4549 270 19/28 168/283 11:25
730 Jean Debban F5559 269 3/16 102/301 11:25
271 Stacey Centarri F5054 271 9/29 103/301 11:30
663 Lindsey Sudbeck F3034 272 16/49 104/301 11:31
246 Jason Brisbin M3034 273 30/47 169/283 11:32

[next 29 records]

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