IMT Des Moines Marathon - 2021

Principal 5K Road Race


October 17, 2021 in Des Moines, IA

Event Groups

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Results By

Principal 5K Road Race - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 15 of 15
number of records per page: [10] [all]

9582 Pamela Winke F5559 69 1/15 19/257 26:31 8:32
9517 Debra Stewart F5559 100 2/15 32/257 28:25 9:09
9515 Leah Tokheim F5559 144 3/15 56/257 30:55 9:57
9861 Leigh Ann Galinsky F5559 181 4/15 84/257 32:44 10:33
9746 Keerti Patel F5559 195 5/15 96/257 33:24 10:45
9876 Dawn Wagner F5559 208 6/15 107/257 34:10 11:00
9672 Julie Baron F5559 258 7/15 145/257 37:03 11:56
9755 Lisa Brechtel F5559 259 8/15 146/257 37:06 11:57
9704 Shawn Kelderman F5559 311 9/15 185/257 41:11 13:16
9926 Victoria Munoz F5559 316 10/15 188/257 41:17 13:18
9663 Marnie Green F5559 324 11/15 194/257 42:02 13:32
9516 Kelley Billington F5559 338 12/15 205/257 46:17 14:54
9911 Terri Speirs F5559 341 13/15 208/257 46:29 14:58
9579 Casey Dunley F5559 351 14/15 216/257 47:46 15:23
9629 Jodi Henke F5559 364 15/15 228/257 50:30 16:16

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