Trek up the Tower 2023

Overall Results--Searchable Format

Are you ready to take on the Tower? 40 floors, 870 steps, and 633 feet into the sky, First National Tower is the tallest building between Chicago and Denver. Get your feet ready and your heart pumping to Trek up the Tower!


February 18, 2023 in Omaha, NE

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Overall Results--Searchable Format - Results

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[next 40 records]

209 Martin Anderson M4044 57 10/37 52/283 8:03
732 Jacob Dubbelde M2529 56 4/31 51/283 8:03
559 Roger Parkison M5559 58 6/23 53/283 8:04
650 Will Spethman M1924 59 3/23 54/283 8:08
548 Chase Nuzum M2529 60 5/31 55/283 8:09
363 Jeff Haggin M4549 61 5/28 56/283 8:12
546 Tyler Novak M2529 62 6/31 57/283 8:14
506 Ronald McNichols M4549 63 6/28 58/283 8:15
228 Connor Berg M2529 64 7/31 59/283 8:16
669 Andrew Thiele M3034 65 12/47 60/283 8:18
62 Derek Castaneda M4044 66 11/37 61/283 8:19
452 Michael Kussatz M5054 67 6/21 62/283 8:20
710 Ryan Wolfe M3034 68 13/47 63/283 8:24
297 Connor Curry M1924 69 4/23 64/283 8:25
316 Nathan Egger M3034 70 14/47 65/283 8:25
645 Nick Smith M2529 71 8/31 66/283 8:25
572 David Phillips M2529 72 9/31 67/283 8:26
722 Mark Bless M4044 73 12/37 68/283 8:26
404 Jerry Jacobi M4549 74 7/28 69/283 8:31
VM1A Mark1 Adamson M6569 56 3/22 49/187 8:33
231 Nicholas Billion M1924 75 5/23 70/283 8:34
VM5E Bradley5 Carver M4549 58 6/11 51/187 8:35
VM18A Mike1 Schiefelbein M6064 57 15/33 50/187 8:35
765 Dave Pecha M4549 76 8/28 71/283 8:35
498 Shannon McCoy M3034 78 15/47 72/283 8:36
726 Melanie Chapman F4044 77 1/52 6/301 8:36
307 Penny Dockweiler F5054 80 1/29 7/301 8:37
552 Nicholas Opdahl M3034 79 16/47 73/283 8:37
558 Erik Panowicz M3539 82 11/44 75/283 8:39
640 Larry Shotkoski M5559 83 7/23 76/283 8:39
775 Joseph Smidt M3034 81 17/47 74/283 8:39
253 Jill Burns F5054 84 2/29 8/301 8:41
766 Danielle Petro F2529 85 2/29 9/301 8:41
670 Daniel Thiele M6064 86 1/15 77/283 8:42
689 Lindsey Vaughn F3539 87 2/36 10/301 8:42
VM23G Jorge7 Hernandez M3034 59 19/44 52/187 8:43
646 Phill Smith M3034 88 18/47 78/283 8:43
373 Andrew Haynes M3034 89 19/47 79/283 8:44
612 Paul Saenz M6064 90 2/15 80/283 8:44
VM23B Jorge2 Hernandez M3034 60 20/44 53/187 8:45

[next 40 records]

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