Trek up the Tower 2023

Overall Results--Searchable Format

Are you ready to take on the Tower? 40 floors, 870 steps, and 633 feet into the sky, First National Tower is the tallest building between Chicago and Denver. Get your feet ready and your heart pumping to Trek up the Tower!


February 18, 2023 in Omaha, NE

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Overall Results--Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 78
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[next 38 records]

288 Brian Cornelius M4549 35 2/28 32/283 7:30
703 Andy Welstead M4044 36 6/37 33/283 7:31
379 Andrew Hellbusch M3539 38 7/44 35/283 7:34
432 Cody Kimball M3034 37 7/47 34/283 7:34
VM6A Michael1 Caviston M6064 35 5/33 30/187 7:36
508 Jeff Meadows M5054 39 5/21 36/283 7:40
VM5A Bradley1 Carver M4549 36 3/11 31/187 7:43
VM6C Michael3 Caviston M6064 37 6/33 32/187 7:44
319 Ashley Elrod F3539 40 1/36 4/301 7:44
VM6D Michael4 Caviston M6064 38 7/33 33/187 7:45
759 Joshua Murphy M4044 41 7/37 37/283 7:45
VM6F Michael6 Caviston M6064 39 8/33 34/187 7:46
VM6I Michael9 Caviston M6064 40 9/33 35/187 7:48
VM6B Michael2 Caviston M6064 41 10/33 36/187 7:49
VM6H Michael8 Caviston M6064 42 11/33 37/187 7:49
VM6G Michael7 Caviston M6064 43 12/33 38/187 7:50
459 David Landrie M3539 42 8/44 38/283 7:50
VM6E Michael5 Caviston M6064 44 13/33 39/187 7:51
313 Nathan Dyke M4044 43 8/37 39/283 7:51
545 Jordan Novak F2529 44 1/29 5/301 7:51
309 Tony Dorr M4549 46 4/28 41/283 7:52
773 Michael Sinclair M4549 45 3/28 40/283 7:52
168 Aaron Hansen M4044 47 9/37 42/283 7:54
279 Bradley Clausen M5559 49 4/23 44/283 7:56
519 Nick Mitzlaff M3034 50 8/47 45/283 7:56
672 Collin Thomas M3539 48 9/44 43/283 7:56
578 Ilya Poluektov M3034 51 9/47 46/283 7:57
240 Trent Bottolfsen M3034 53 11/47 48/283 8:00
789 Tyler Lawrence M3034 52 10/47 47/283 8:00
409 Joel Jensen M5559 54 5/23 49/283 8:01
232 Cory Biodrowski M3539 55 10/44 50/283 8:02
209 Martin Anderson M4044 57 10/37 52/283 8:03
732 Jacob Dubbelde M2529 56 4/31 51/283 8:03
559 Roger Parkison M5559 58 6/23 53/283 8:04
VM5C Bradley3 Carver M4549 46 4/11 41/187 8:08
650 Will Spethman M1924 59 3/23 54/283 8:08
548 Chase Nuzum M2529 60 5/31 55/283 8:09
VM25A Kari1 Johnson F4549 48 2/11 7/75 8:12
363 Jeff Haggin M4549 61 5/28 56/283 8:12
VM5D Bradley4 Carver M4549 49 5/11 42/187 8:13

[next 38 records]

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