CNO Financial Monumental Marathon - 2021



November 6, 2021 in Indianapolis, IN

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Half-Marathon - Results

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15132 Taylor Brune F 30-34 1777 104/401 624/2681 28:33 9:13 1815 56:11 9:03 1885 1:20:30 8:40 1850 56:13 4:32 1858 1:56:18 8:53
8291 Allen Still M 35-39 1778 146/284 1154/2456 29:03 9:23 2025 56:15 9:04 1895 1:20:59 8:43 1926 56:17 4:33 1868 1:56:18 8:53
8168 Jeffrey Wettig M 60-64 1779 46/137 1155/2456 29:26 9:30 2187 57:09 9:13 2084 1:21:30 8:46 2005 57:10 4:37 2051 1:56:19 8:53
8878 Gina Grissom F 40-44 1780 97/400 625/2681 28:27 9:11 1771 55:07 8:53 1695 1:19:32 8:34 1740 55:08 4:27 1668 1:56:20 8:53
9213 Kelsey Worland F 35-39 1781 111/361 626/2681 27:41 8:56 1502 54:27 8:47 1554 1:18:19 8:26 1581 54:30 4:24 1536 1:56:20 8:53
10089 Maria Stiens F 20-24 1782 61/203 627/2681 29:08 9:24 2075 57:15 9:14 2098 1:21:23 8:46 1992 57:17 4:38 2067 1:56:21 8:53
7336 Patrick Beeson M 45-49 1783 122/281 1156/2456 29:16 9:27 2120 56:26 9:06 1935 1:20:00 8:37 1801 56:27 4:34 1904 1:56:21 8:53
10398 Carolyn Kreuzer F 25-29 1784 110/378 628/2681 29:04 9:23 2029 57:32 9:16 2146 1:21:38 8:47 2022 57:33 4:39 2110 1:56:21 8:53
8465 Timothy Erson M 65-69 1785 9/62 1157/2456 30:14 9:46 2449 57:49 9:19 2198 1:21:33 8:47 2014 57:50 4:40 2160 1:56:23 8:53
8293 Katelyn Weaver F 20-24 1786 62/203 629/2681 29:28 9:31 2202 56:51 9:10 2020 1:20:49 8:42 1898 56:55 4:36 1999 1:56:25 8:53
8616 Nick Passios M 16-19 1787 56/74 1158/2456 28:48 9:18 1916 56:38 9:08 1983 1:21:08 8:44 1949 56:40 4:35 1954 1:56:25 8:53
8414 Megan Leivant F 40-44 1788 98/400 630/2681 28:15 9:07 1693 55:25 8:56 1759 1:19:33 8:34 1743 55:25 4:29 1729 1:56:27 8:53
9025 Matthew Boone M 40-44 1789 156/330 1159/2456 28:52 9:19 1946 56:21 9:05 1914 1:21:16 8:45 1968 - - - 1:56:27 8:53
9709 Jill Jaworski F 50-54 1790 28/216 631/2681 29:14 9:26 2112 56:41 9:08 1990 1:20:50 8:42 1903 56:42 4:35 1961 1:56:28 8:54
8232 Tom Gates M 50-54 1791 84/233 1160/2456 29:11 9:25 2095 56:48 9:09 2015 1:20:49 8:42 1896 - - - 1:56:28 8:54
9042 Debbie Murphy F 55-59 1792 22/147 632/2681 28:38 9:15 1853 56:00 9:01 1864 1:20:18 8:39 1827 56:01 4:31 1834 1:56:29 8:54
8204 Stephen St. Cyr M 40-44 1793 157/330 1161/2456 30:58 10:00 2690 59:08 9:32 2413 1:22:51 8:55 2153 59:10 4:47 2373 1:56:30 8:54
10959 Sean Bradley M 25-29 1794 186/307 1162/2456 29:22 9:29 2161 56:37 9:07 1980 1:20:33 8:40 1857 56:39 4:35 1951 1:56:31 8:54
11575 Mason Neiswinger M 45-49 1795 123/281 1163/2456 29:24 9:29 2180 56:18 9:04 1901 1:20:12 8:38 1822 56:20 4:33 1875 1:56:31 8:54
6930 Chris Johanningsmeier M 45-49 1796 124/281 1164/2456 27:45 8:57 1530 54:11 8:44 1498 1:18:23 8:26 1588 54:13 4:23 1483 1:56:32 8:54
8490 Kevin Finn M 50-54 1797 85/233 1165/2456 27:08 8:46 1351 53:55 8:41 1458 1:19:28 8:33 1731 - - - 1:56:34 8:54
8959 Alexandra Davies F 25-29 1798 111/378 633/2681 27:12 8:47 1371 54:02 8:42 1475 1:18:02 8:24 1531 54:03 4:22 1456 1:56:35 8:54
7203 Alex Wolos M 35-39 1799 147/284 1166/2456 27:38 8:55 1483 53:52 8:41 1455 1:19:57 8:36 1791 53:53 4:21 1439 1:56:35 8:54
8805 Todd Walker M 50-54 1800 86/233 1167/2456 29:33 9:32 2228 57:35 9:17 2155 1:21:53 8:49 2048 57:37 4:39 2120 1:56:37 8:54
8558 Scott Green M 50-54 1801 87/233 1168/2456 29:06 9:24 2056 57:02 9:12 2064 1:21:33 8:47 2013 57:04 4:37 2033 1:56:37 8:54
10082 Amanda Luper F 30-34 1802 105/401 634/2681 29:11 9:25 2091 56:57 9:11 2044 1:20:53 8:42 1917 56:58 4:36 2012 1:56:37 8:54
7470 Nick Battaglia M 30-34 1803 168/342 1169/2456 27:42 8:57 1516 55:29 8:56 1772 1:19:53 8:36 1783 55:30 4:29 1749 1:56:37 8:54
10165 Karyn Sinn F 40-44 1804 99/400 635/2681 28:53 9:19 1954 56:37 9:07 1974 1:21:00 8:43 1927 56:38 4:35 1947 1:56:37 8:54
6961 Rachel Battaglia F 30-34 1805 106/401 636/2681 27:44 8:57 1520 55:30 8:57 1779 1:19:53 8:36 1784 55:31 4:29 1753 1:56:38 8:54
8459 Jeff Wood M 40-44 1806 158/330 1170/2456 28:15 9:07 1696 55:19 8:55 1737 1:19:28 8:33 1733 55:20 4:28 1713 1:56:38 8:54
9907 Dat Le M 25-29 1807 187/307 1171/2456 28:41 9:15 1872 56:00 9:01 1865 1:20:00 8:37 1800 - - - 1:56:38 8:54
10675 Caleb Harrison M 20-24 1808 106/152 1172/2456 27:18 8:49 1394 54:40 8:49 1583 1:19:05 8:31 1687 54:42 4:25 1565 1:56:39 8:54
8630 Eliza Dick F 30-34 1809 107/401 637/2681 26:38 8:36 1199 54:00 8:42 1463 1:18:41 8:28 1636 54:01 4:22 1446 1:56:39 8:54
9655 Daisy Logue F 40-44 1810 100/400 638/2681 29:39 9:34 2264 56:58 9:11 2046 1:21:19 8:45 1975 56:59 4:36 2015 1:56:40 8:54
15195 Jerry Cecil M 40-44 1811 159/330 1173/2456 26:54 8:41 1294 54:10 8:44 1496 1:18:38 8:28 1623 54:12 4:23 1479 1:56:41 8:55
10123 Emily Owsinski F 30-34 1812 108/401 639/2681 28:36 9:14 1836 56:22 9:05 1915 1:21:07 8:44 1944 56:23 4:33 1886 1:56:42 8:55
8781 Jeffrey Peterson M 50-54 1813 88/233 1174/2456 27:39 8:56 1489 54:51 8:50 1616 1:19:12 8:31 1702 54:53 4:26 1595 1:56:43 8:55
9798 Jacob Price M 30-34 1814 169/342 1175/2456 28:44 9:16 1888 56:35 9:07 1969 1:20:45 8:41 1886 56:37 4:34 1939 1:56:43 8:55
8646 Lacie Tindall F 40-44 1815 101/400 640/2681 28:56 9:20 1974 56:53 9:10 2026 1:22:13 8:51 2082 56:54 4:36 1994 1:56:44 8:55
10138 Lisa Ashby F 40-44 1816 102/400 641/2681 29:35 9:33 2240 56:36 9:07 1973 1:20:52 8:42 1913 56:38 4:34 1945 1:56:44 8:55

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