CNO Financial Monumental Marathon - 2021



November 6, 2021 in Indianapolis, IN

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Half-Marathon - Results

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7328 Paul Georgescu M 55-59 1656 48/166 1092/2456 27:55 9:01 1577 55:05 8:53 1686 1:19:04 8:31 1685 55:07 4:27 1660 1:54:48 8:46
10863 Adam Egerton M 25-29 1657 180/307 1093/2456 27:51 8:59 1554 55:46 8:59 1816 1:19:22 8:33 1722 55:48 4:30 1790 1:54:48 8:46
9280 Lyndsey Hassman F 30-34 1658 91/401 565/2681 28:24 9:10 1738 55:28 8:56 1770 1:19:25 8:33 1726 55:30 4:29 1747 1:54:49 8:46
9480 Casey Chell F 35-39 1659 101/361 566/2681 28:25 9:10 1756 55:09 8:53 1705 1:18:51 8:29 1662 55:10 4:27 1680 1:54:50 8:46
8668 Kayla Hansmann F 30-34 1660 92/401 567/2681 28:25 9:10 1755 55:30 8:57 1776 1:19:26 8:33 1730 55:31 4:29 1754 1:54:50 8:46
9232 Andi Zaferes F 25-29 1661 101/378 568/2681 28:25 9:10 1751 55:29 8:57 1775 1:19:26 8:33 1729 55:31 4:29 1752 1:54:51 8:46
10388 Christina Bowden F 25-29 1662 102/378 569/2681 28:49 9:18 1924 55:49 9:00 1831 1:19:25 8:33 1728 55:51 4:31 1805 1:54:51 8:46
9555 Suzanne Salupo F 35-39 1663 102/361 570/2681 27:17 8:49 1389 54:13 8:44 1505 1:18:27 8:27 1595 54:14 4:23 1485 1:54:54 8:46
8217 Chad McFarland M 40-44 1664 146/330 1094/2456 26:45 8:38 1236 52:26 8:27 1251 1:15:13 8:06 1267 52:27 4:14 1240 1:54:54 8:46
8907 Jennifer Horst F 35-39 1665 103/361 571/2681 27:39 8:56 1491 54:50 8:50 1614 1:18:56 8:30 1670 54:52 4:26 1594 1:54:55 8:46
7984 Kathryn Ergen F 55-59 1666 19/147 572/2681 26:46 8:38 1238 51:40 8:20 1128 1:13:35 7:55 1084 51:41 4:11 1117 1:54:56 8:47
10905 Elliott Mallen M 35-39 1667 136/284 1095/2456 28:44 9:16 1889 56:44 9:09 1998 1:20:47 8:42 1893 56:46 4:35 1970 1:54:58 8:47
8533 Christopher Daily M 40-44 1668 147/330 1096/2456 28:30 9:12 1802 55:15 8:54 1726 1:18:56 8:30 1668 55:17 4:28 1704 1:54:58 8:47
8193 Tim Nelson M 35-39 1669 137/284 1097/2456 27:24 8:51 1423 53:32 8:38 1412 1:17:20 8:19 1462 - - - 1:54:59 8:47
10845 Cori Rees F 25-29 1670 103/378 573/2681 28:17 9:08 1704 55:18 8:55 1732 1:19:32 8:34 1741 55:20 4:28 1710 1:55:01 8:47
7908 Jeff Scholar M 50-54 1671 79/233 1098/2456 28:29 9:12 1797 54:44 8:49 1594 1:18:26 8:26 1594 54:46 4:25 1578 1:55:01 8:47
8655 Alice Marder F 40-44 1672 90/400 574/2681 27:11 8:47 1369 54:02 8:42 1474 1:18:22 8:26 1585 54:04 4:22 1459 1:55:02 8:47
15197 Richard Hartwick M 55-59 1673 49/166 1099/2456 27:00 8:43 1323 53:37 8:38 1425 1:17:47 8:22 1508 53:39 4:20 1409 1:55:02 8:47
15129 Isaac Reed M 45-49 1674 113/281 1100/2456 28:30 9:12 1800 54:46 8:49 1602 1:18:26 8:26 1593 54:47 4:26 1580 1:55:02 8:47
8391 Elizabeth Sensenstein F 35-39 1675 104/361 575/2681 29:06 9:24 2049 56:19 9:05 1908 1:19:45 8:35 1770 56:21 4:33 1881 1:55:03 8:47
8323 Jessa Pytlinski F 16-19 1676 26/63 576/2681 29:04 9:23 2035 56:28 9:06 1946 1:20:13 8:38 1824 56:29 4:34 1915 1:55:04 8:47
9582 Brandon Spence M 45-49 1677 114/281 1101/2456 28:39 9:15 1865 55:08 8:53 1697 1:18:56 8:30 1669 55:09 4:27 1676 1:55:05 8:47
8474 Andrea Holscher F 35-39 1678 105/361 577/2681 28:59 9:21 1992 57:08 9:12 2080 1:20:58 8:43 1923 57:09 4:37 2049 1:55:05 8:47
10782 John Atkinson M 35-39 1679 138/284 1102/2456 27:45 8:57 1533 55:09 8:53 1704 1:18:49 8:29 1658 55:10 4:27 1682 1:55:06 8:47
15194 Brett Holder M 20-24 1680 103/152 1103/2456 24:43 7:59 757 48:24 7:48 752 1:13:55 7:57 1117 48:25 3:55 744 1:55:07 8:47
8773 Garrett Holder M 20-24 1681 104/152 1104/2456 24:43 7:59 755 48:23 7:48 751 1:13:55 7:57 1116 48:25 3:55 743 1:55:08 8:47
7804 Kim Vinciguerra F 50-54 1682 24/216 578/2681 27:21 8:50 1404 53:59 8:42 1462 1:18:06 8:24 1542 54:01 4:22 1447 1:55:09 8:47
10349 Annie Henrichs F 16-19 1683 27/63 579/2681 29:04 9:23 2031 56:28 9:06 1941 1:20:13 8:38 1823 56:29 4:34 1913 1:55:09 8:47
7748 Katherine McDaniel F 35-39 1684 106/361 580/2681 28:07 9:05 1651 56:05 9:02 1875 1:20:49 8:42 1897 56:07 4:32 1849 1:55:11 8:48
10887 Kristen Verrett F 45-49 1685 44/297 581/2681 29:38 9:34 2254 56:26 9:06 1932 1:19:59 8:36 1794 56:27 4:34 1902 1:55:11 8:48
8526 Daniel Moudy M 40-44 1686 148/330 1105/2456 29:06 9:23 2046 56:28 9:06 1945 1:20:20 8:39 1831 56:30 4:34 1916 1:55:13 8:48
7273 Laura Johnson F 35-39 1687 107/361 582/2681 27:16 8:48 1384 53:19 8:36 1392 1:16:44 8:15 1402 53:20 4:19 1377 1:55:13 8:48
9031 Chris Sutton M 40-44 1688 149/330 1106/2456 26:51 8:40 1282 52:17 8:26 1224 1:14:53 8:04 1226 52:19 4:14 1215 1:55:13 8:48
8348 Erin Mac Leod F 35-39 1689 108/361 583/2681 28:37 9:14 1849 55:05 8:53 1684 1:18:35 8:27 1614 55:07 4:27 1659 1:55:14 8:48
10997 Benjamin Pinnick M 40-44 1690 150/330 1107/2456 28:15 9:07 1699 55:21 8:55 1746 1:19:21 8:32 1719 55:22 4:28 1723 1:55:14 8:48
8276 Troy Quinn M 45-49 1691 115/281 1108/2456 29:18 9:27 2133 56:21 9:05 1913 1:19:40 8:34 1763 56:23 4:33 1885 1:55:17 8:48
10176 Becca Rosati F 40-44 1692 91/400 584/2681 28:36 9:14 1845 55:31 8:57 1782 1:19:15 8:32 1705 55:33 4:29 1760 1:55:17 8:48
7226 Laura Seiverth F 40-44 1693 92/400 585/2681 27:13 8:47 1374 54:14 8:44 1508 1:18:28 8:27 1598 54:15 4:23 1489 1:55:17 8:48
7136 Steven Zehr M 25-29 1694 181/307 1109/2456 24:30 7:54 715 48:44 7:51 785 1:11:41 7:43 921 48:46 3:56 777 1:55:18 8:48
12505 Corey Powell M 30-34 1695 160/342 1110/2456 29:18 9:27 2134 57:12 9:13 2091 1:21:21 8:45 1985 57:14 4:37 2059 1:55:18 8:48

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