CNO Financial Monumental Marathon - 2021



November 6, 2021 in Indianapolis, IN

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Half-Marathon - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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6922 Matthew Rhoads M 30-34 385 53/342 318/2456 22:14 7:11 368 43:26 7:00 372 1:02:14 6:42 364 43:28 3:31 370 1:30:31 6:55
7419 Nick Purdy M 30-34 386 54/342 319/2456 24:16 7:50 661 46:47 7:32 604 1:04:56 6:59 476 46:49 3:47 599 1:30:34 6:55
8085 Christopher Kadera M 40-44 387 37/330 320/2456 22:23 7:14 391 43:42 7:03 389 1:02:14 6:42 366 43:43 3:32 387 1:30:35 6:55
7399 Levi Bess M 30-34 388 55/342 321/2456 20:46 6:42 245 41:46 6:44 282 1:00:36 6:31 304 41:48 3:23 280 1:30:38 6:55
7413 Jenna Masterson F 30-34 389 18/401 68/2681 22:49 7:22 443 44:49 7:13 441 1:03:36 6:51 416 44:51 3:37 439 1:30:41 6:55
7395 David Bunner M 40-44 390 38/330 322/2456 22:29 7:16 407 43:49 7:04 395 1:02:30 6:44 377 43:50 3:33 393 1:30:45 6:56
10346 Ethan Hartman M 20-24 391 41/152 323/2456 22:42 7:20 432 44:31 7:10 427 1:03:26 6:50 408 44:32 3:36 424 1:30:46 6:56
7620 Michelle Panneton F 35-39 392 9/361 69/2681 22:35 7:18 418 43:58 7:05 400 1:02:47 6:46 388 43:59 3:33 398 1:30:46 6:56
8082 Eric McKeown M 45-49 393 24/281 324/2456 23:26 7:34 540 45:01 7:15 455 1:03:26 6:50 409 45:02 3:38 453 1:30:47 6:56
7137 Sarah Anderson F 25-29 394 24/378 70/2681 22:44 7:20 434 44:25 7:10 422 1:03:06 6:48 398 44:26 3:35 420 1:30:51 6:56
7475 Lee Van Groningen M 35-39 395 30/284 325/2456 21:59 7:06 336 43:25 7:00 371 1:02:16 6:42 367 43:26 3:31 369 1:30:57 6:57
7125 Mark Hiskes M 55-59 396 4/166 326/2456 22:28 7:15 405 43:40 7:02 385 1:02:34 6:44 379 43:42 3:32 383 1:30:59 6:57
8020 Drew Holdman M 16-19 397 28/74 327/2456 22:24 7:14 395 43:08 6:57 358 1:01:43 6:39 350 43:10 3:29 357 1:31:02 6:57
8032 Susan Park F 50-54 398 2/216 71/2681 23:16 7:31 498 44:45 7:13 437 1:03:27 6:50 411 44:46 3:37 435 1:31:03 6:57
15005 Annabel Prokopy F 16-19 399 2/63 72/2681 22:15 7:11 371 43:33 7:01 381 1:02:18 6:42 370 43:34 3:31 378 1:31:03 6:57
7540 Michael Clark M 35-39 400 31/284 328/2456 22:14 7:11 369 43:05 6:57 353 1:02:00 6:40 359 43:07 3:29 352 1:31:04 6:57
9375 Stephen Hogan M 35-39 401 32/284 329/2456 21:25 6:55 290 42:31 6:51 323 1:01:44 6:39 351 42:32 3:26 321 1:31:05 6:57
8218 Landon Patel M 13-15 402 8/34 330/2456 21:25 6:55 291 43:08 6:57 357 1:02:03 6:41 361 43:09 3:29 355 1:31:07 6:57
8956 Rogelio Reyes Hernandez M 13-15 403 9/34 331/2456 22:34 7:17 415 44:30 7:10 423 1:03:17 6:49 405 44:31 3:36 421 1:31:10 6:58
7403 Christina Decamp F 35-39 404 10/361 73/2681 22:19 7:12 380 43:45 7:03 390 1:02:43 6:45 387 43:46 3:32 388 1:31:13 6:58
7053 Chris Roberson M 40-44 405 39/330 332/2456 22:18 7:12 376 43:06 6:57 356 1:02:00 6:40 358 43:08 3:29 354 1:31:16 6:58
8530 Paige Logan F 25-29 406 25/378 74/2681 23:40 7:38 581 45:34 7:21 504 1:04:33 6:57 455 45:35 3:41 500 1:31:17 6:58
7944 Tamara Nelson F 40-44 407 7/400 75/2681 22:14 7:11 363 43:32 7:01 379 1:02:27 6:43 376 43:33 3:31 377 1:31:23 6:59
7989 Heidy Lozano F 55-59 408 1/147 76/2681 21:53 7:04 323 43:15 6:58 362 1:02:14 6:42 365 43:16 3:30 360 1:31:26 6:59
7285 Tessa Mize F 10-12 409 1/4 77/2681 22:22 7:13 389 44:07 7:07 410 1:02:58 6:47 394 44:08 3:34 408 1:31:27 6:59
15032 Jessica Sokolowski F 40-44 410 8/400 78/2681 22:56 7:24 454 44:44 7:13 434 1:03:50 6:52 426 44:45 3:37 433 1:31:38 7:00
7972 John Hauber M 50-54 411 15/233 333/2456 22:50 7:22 446 44:18 7:08 418 1:03:16 6:49 403 44:19 3:35 415 1:31:44 7:00
6951 Wade Kammel M 30-34 412 56/342 334/2456 21:33 6:57 301 44:12 7:07 414 1:03:13 6:48 401 44:13 3:34 412 1:31:44 7:00
7420 Jeff Arnold M 30-34 413 57/342 335/2456 23:39 7:38 572 45:39 7:21 514 1:04:38 6:57 460 45:40 3:41 510 1:31:47 7:01
6932 Dorcas Wingard F 20-24 414 10/203 79/2681 22:20 7:13 382 43:29 7:01 375 1:02:34 6:44 378 43:30 3:31 374 1:31:47 7:01
7664 Yobani Calvo M 30-34 415 58/342 336/2456 23:04 7:27 472 45:09 7:17 462 1:04:01 6:53 432 45:10 3:39 460 1:31:50 7:01
7992 Mike Bak M 45-49 416 25/281 337/2456 22:40 7:19 427 43:56 7:05 399 1:02:57 6:47 393 43:57 3:33 397 1:31:53 7:01
7196 David Kingman M 50-54 417 16/233 338/2456 22:22 7:13 387 44:00 7:06 402 1:03:28 6:50 412 44:01 3:33 400 1:31:54 7:01
7244 Daniel Mangan M 16-19 418 29/74 339/2456 22:27 7:15 402 44:00 7:06 405 1:02:55 6:46 392 44:02 3:33 403 1:31:54 7:01
8086 Drew Triplett M 35-39 419 33/284 340/2456 23:02 7:26 466 44:52 7:14 448 1:03:57 6:53 429 44:53 3:38 446 1:31:55 7:01
15009 Adam Dyer M 30-34 420 59/342 341/2456 22:32 7:17 412 44:23 7:09 420 1:03:37 6:51 417 44:24 3:35 418 1:32:03 7:02
7011 Ian Kincer M 25-29 421 84/307 342/2456 24:18 7:51 674 45:58 7:25 539 1:04:39 6:58 462 46:00 3:43 534 1:32:04 7:02
284 Alan Webb M 35-39 422 34/284 343/2456 18:01 5:49 94 46:03 7:25 548 - - - 46:04 3:43 543 1:32:11 7:02
7817 Kim Maves F 30-34 423 19/401 80/2681 22:30 7:16 409 44:08 7:07 412 1:03:15 6:48 402 44:10 3:34 410 1:32:19 7:03
15044 Nikki Taylor F 35-39 424 11/361 81/2681 22:47 7:21 437 44:30 7:10 424 1:03:38 6:51 420 44:31 3:36 422 1:32:20 7:03

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