2018 Harvest Moon Hustle

10K Overall--Searchable Format


September 14, 2018 in Elmwood, NE

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10K Overall--Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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2105 Drew Partridge M2529 90 9/31 71/359 51:01 49:44 8:01
2254 Gisele Tlusty F3034 91 9/119 20/725 49:51 49:44 8:01
563 Monica Miller F3539 92 6/190 21/725 50:33 49:48 8:01
641 Andrew Unterseher M3539 93 17/85 72/359 50:17 49:50 8:02
2072 Robert Wittler M3539 94 18/85 73/359 53:10 50:00 8:03
2285 Josh Johanson M2024 95 6/10 74/359 50:53 50:01 8:03
647 Jacob Wallace M3539 96 19/85 75/359 50:35 50:07 8:04
895 Carl J Samuelson M4044 97 9/63 76/359 50:39 50:22 8:07
19 Jackie Burklund F4044 98 4/140 22/725 51:16 50:22 8:07
715 Hank Newburn M5054 99 3/18 77/359 50:54 50:25 8:07
719 Mario Quintana M4044 100 10/63 78/359 51:24 50:42 8:10
765 Lora Vohl F4044 101 5/140 23/725 51:34 50:42 8:10
2472 Juan Jimenez M4549 102 10/44 79/359 52:35 50:43 8:10
179 Amanda Wilson F2529 103 3/83 24/725 51:11 50:44 8:10
2181 Ben Biehl M3539 104 20/85 80/359 51:15 50:44 8:10
119 Lindsey Palmer F3539 105 7/190 25/725 51:06 50:53 8:12
616 John Schroder M4549 106 11/44 81/359 51:10 50:55 8:12
7 Carol Barry F3539 107 8/190 26/725 51:45 50:56 8:12
2085 Anson Hueftle M2529 108 10/31 82/359 51:38 50:57 8:12
579 Timothy Noerrlinger M3539 109 21/85 83/359 51:18 50:58 8:13
681 David Graff M4044 110 11/63 84/359 51:15 50:58 8:13
488 Michael Davis M5054 111 4/18 85/359 51:16 50:59 8:13
864 Katy Biehl F3539 112 9/190 27/725 51:29 51:00 8:13
2108 Travis Johnston M3034 113 17/72 86/359 51:23 51:00 8:13
250 Paul Gedbaw M3539 114 22/85 87/359 51:58 51:02 8:13
2289 Chris Volnek M3539 115 23/85 88/359 51:49 51:08 8:14
2402 Jeremy Holtz M3539 116 24/85 89/359 51:27 51:09 8:14
640 Andrew Umland M3034 117 18/72 90/359 51:36 51:13 8:15
2471 Caleb Beasley M3034 118 19/72 91/359 51:37 51:14 8:15
290 Mitch Jones M4549 119 12/44 92/359 53:16 51:22 8:16
773 Megan Asselin F2024 120 2/23 28/725 51:58 51:22 8:16
40 Amy Evans F3034 121 10/119 29/725 52:05 51:27 8:17
2100 Ben Hohnstein M3034 122 20/72 93/359 51:44 51:31 8:18
344 Mindy Morrissey F3539 123 10/190 30/725 52:12 51:41 8:19
42 Summer Fahnholz F3539 124 11/190 31/725 52:09 51:46 8:20
2288 Scott Brown M3539 125 25/85 94/359 52:24 51:51 8:21
879 Alison Bickel F4044 126 6/140 32/725 52:51 51:55 8:22
586 Mike Osterholt M4549 127 13/44 95/359 52:46 51:58 8:22
118 Amy Osterholt F4044 128 7/140 33/725 52:46 51:59 8:22
626 Anthony Slivka M2024 129 7/10 96/359 52:59 51:59 8:22

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