CNO Financial Monumental Marathon - 2021



November 6, 2021 in Indianapolis, IN

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Half-Marathon - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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15002 Neal White M 13-15 192 2/34 170/2456 21:15 6:52 276 40:49 6:35 250 57:12 6:10 211 40:51 3:18 248 1:21:20 6:13
6929 Connor Harlan M 16-19 193 7/74 171/2456 19:14 6:12 150 37:40 6:04 148 53:41 5:47 138 37:41 3:03 147 1:21:20 6:13
6890 Craig Frothingham M 40-44 194 17/330 172/2456 19:49 6:24 191 39:02 6:18 190 56:01 6:02 194 39:03 3:09 189 1:21:22 6:13
8006 Robb Edwards M 45-49 195 8/281 173/2456 19:47 6:23 186 38:50 6:16 182 55:46 6:00 185 38:51 3:08 181 1:21:35 6:14
6931 Jeffrey Day M 45-49 196 9/281 174/2456 20:27 6:36 223 39:32 6:22 205 56:30 6:05 199 39:33 3:12 204 1:21:36 6:14
7427 Add Sinchai M 40-44 197 18/330 175/2456 19:41 6:21 180 38:46 6:15 178 55:40 6:00 180 38:48 3:08 177 1:21:37 6:14
7066 Lucas Collis M 30-34 198 37/342 176/2456 20:08 6:30 207 39:35 6:23 208 56:43 6:06 203 39:36 3:12 207 1:21:49 6:15
7046 Rachael Sanchez F 30-34 199 7/401 23/2681 20:57 6:46 259 40:06 6:28 220 56:48 6:07 204 40:07 3:15 219 1:21:49 6:15
7290 Melody Schwoerer F 25-29 200 12/378 24/2681 20:15 6:32 213 39:18 6:20 203 56:07 6:02 195 39:19 3:11 202 1:21:52 6:15
8071 Matthew Pulle M 45-49 201 10/281 177/2456 20:16 6:33 214 39:36 6:23 209 56:41 6:06 202 39:37 3:12 208 1:21:53 6:15
7754 Daniel Swem M 25-29 202 58/307 178/2456 19:49 6:24 190 38:54 6:16 185 55:48 6:00 186 38:56 3:09 184 1:22:00 6:16
6938 Trenton Morton M 35-39 203 12/284 179/2456 20:37 6:39 229 39:45 6:25 214 56:39 6:06 201 39:46 3:13 212 1:22:11 6:17
7779 Scot Ursum M 50-54 204 1/233 180/2456 20:41 6:41 234 39:51 6:25 215 56:51 6:07 205 39:52 3:13 214 1:22:11 6:17
6903 Adam Stehura M 30-34 205 38/342 181/2456 20:45 6:42 240 40:26 6:31 232 57:21 6:10 213 40:27 3:16 230 1:22:14 6:17
7684 Eric Wheatley M 45-49 206 11/281 182/2456 20:11 6:31 211 39:52 6:26 217 56:57 6:08 207 39:53 3:13 216 1:22:19 6:17
7882 David Wong M 50-54 207 2/233 183/2456 20:02 6:28 199 39:17 6:20 202 56:31 6:05 200 39:19 3:11 201 1:22:24 6:18
7299 Jeremy Hammer M 35-39 208 13/284 184/2456 21:15 6:52 275 40:23 6:31 230 57:29 6:11 216 40:24 3:16 228 1:22:27 6:18
7850 Michael Sticklinski M 30-34 209 39/342 185/2456 20:57 6:46 260 40:06 6:28 222 57:01 6:08 208 40:07 3:15 221 1:22:27 6:18
314 Carly Gill (Larios) F 30-34 210 8/401 25/2681 19:56 6:26 196 39:28 6:22 204 56:26 6:05 197 39:29 3:12 203 1:22:27 6:18
8041 Mitch Ostrowski M 25-29 211 59/307 186/2456 20:01 6:28 197 39:01 6:17 189 55:57 6:01 191 39:02 3:09 188 1:22:33 6:18
310 Lauren Duisberg F 35-39 212 1/361 26/2681 20:22 6:34 216 39:45 6:24 213 56:54 6:07 206 39:46 3:13 213 1:22:33 6:18
7457 Julia Ordzowialy F 40-44 213 1/400 27/2681 20:26 6:36 221 40:01 6:27 218 57:13 6:10 212 40:02 3:14 217 1:22:45 6:19
8850 Jack Deford M 30-34 214 40/342 187/2456 28:14 9:07 1688 54:46 8:50 1604 1:18:14 8:25 1567 54:48 4:26 1584 1:22:45 6:19
15007 Hayden Monk M 16-19 215 8/74 188/2456 22:01 7:07 340 41:57 6:46 289 58:45 6:19 247 41:58 3:24 287 1:22:47 6:19
6940 Alexander Pachev M 45-49 216 12/281 189/2456 19:40 6:21 179 39:07 6:18 193 56:27 6:05 198 39:09 3:10 192 1:22:50 6:20
7164 Zach Cherry M 30-34 217 41/342 190/2456 20:44 6:42 239 40:26 6:31 234 57:34 6:12 219 40:28 3:16 233 1:22:52 6:20
7243 Tanner Mc Main M 16-19 218 9/74 191/2456 21:10 6:50 270 40:59 6:36 254 57:52 6:14 227 41:00 3:19 252 1:23:01 6:20
7953 Cameron Walton M 20-24 219 34/152 192/2456 21:28 6:56 296 41:23 6:40 267 58:15 6:16 242 41:24 3:21 265 1:23:06 6:21
7876 Seth Snider-Hayes M 25-29 220 60/307 193/2456 20:39 6:40 231 40:46 6:34 248 58:03 6:15 237 40:47 3:18 246 1:23:10 6:21
7146 Claire Overfelt F 16-19 221 1/63 28/2681 19:29 6:17 171 38:50 6:16 183 57:08 6:09 210 38:51 3:08 182 1:23:13 6:21
7946 Kurt Gogolin M 60-64 222 1/137 194/2456 20:32 6:38 226 40:20 6:30 226 57:39 6:12 220 40:21 3:16 225 1:23:14 6:21
7821 Sydney Devore F 30-34 223 9/401 29/2681 20:46 6:42 244 40:30 6:32 238 57:55 6:14 230 40:31 3:17 236 1:23:15 6:21
8988 Gabriel Chambers M 16-19 224 10/74 195/2456 22:01 7:06 337 41:56 6:46 288 58:44 6:19 246 41:57 3:23 286 1:23:16 6:22
318 Ariane Hendrix-Roach F 30-34 225 10/401 30/2681 20:49 6:43 248 40:33 6:32 241 57:57 6:14 232 40:34 3:17 239 1:23:18 6:22
7257 Abbey Warth F 25-29 226 13/378 31/2681 20:48 6:43 247 40:42 6:34 247 57:51 6:14 226 40:43 3:17 245 1:23:19 6:22
7649 Renee Kearns (Formerly Stu F 25-29 227 14/378 32/2681 20:36 6:39 228 40:26 6:31 233 57:44 6:13 223 40:27 3:16 231 1:23:19 6:22
15045 Adam Wishon M 25-29 228 61/307 196/2456 20:44 6:42 238 40:31 6:32 240 57:49 6:13 224 40:32 3:17 237 1:23:22 6:22
7582 Jason Dunaway M 40-44 229 19/330 197/2456 20:41 6:41 235 40:13 6:29 224 57:08 6:09 209 40:14 3:15 223 1:23:23 6:22
7827 Nick Boyd M 25-29 230 62/307 198/2456 20:45 6:42 241 40:30 6:32 239 - - - 40:32 3:17 238 1:23:23 6:22
345 Lauren Minor F 30-34 231 11/401 33/2681 20:02 6:28 198 39:44 6:24 212 57:29 6:11 215 39:45 3:13 211 1:23:26 6:22

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