2018 Harvest Moon Hustle

10K Overall--Searchable Format


September 14, 2018 in Elmwood, NE

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10K Overall--Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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879 Alison Bickel F4044 126 6/140 32/725 52:51 51:55 8:22
586 Mike Osterholt M4549 127 13/44 95/359 52:46 51:58 8:22
118 Amy Osterholt F4044 128 7/140 33/725 52:46 51:59 8:22
626 Anthony Slivka M2024 129 7/10 96/359 52:59 51:59 8:22
510 Spencer Giles M4044 130 12/63 97/359 52:57 52:12 8:24
348 Ann Neal F5559 131 1/43 34/725 52:34 52:15 8:25
2364 Joe Ebmeier M3539 132 26/85 98/359 52:44 52:20 8:26
3 Nancy Asselin F5559 133 2/43 35/725 53:07 52:31 8:27
546 Aaron Lemke M3539 134 27/85 99/359 54:58 52:31 8:28
776 Joleen Rupehueftle F2024 135 3/23 36/725 53:14 52:32 8:28
2467 Katie Vap F3539 136 12/190 37/725 54:03 52:34 8:28
2359 Shawn Schomer M3539 137 28/85 100/359 53:58 52:40 8:29
631 Chris Steffens M3539 138 29/85 101/359 53:03 52:43 8:29
805 Ashley Sekora F3034 139 11/119 38/725 53:20 52:45 8:30
2237 Becke Grundman F3034 140 12/119 39/725 53:36 52:46 8:30
93 Corie Lubash F3539 141 13/190 40/725 53:24 52:46 8:30
374 Craig Pleskac M4549 142 14/44 102/359 54:34 52:47 8:30
2051 Amanda Bauman F3539 143 14/190 41/725 53:08 52:48 8:30
861 Emily Getzschman F4044 144 8/140 42/725 53:22 52:50 8:30
698 Judd Knispel M4044 145 13/63 103/359 56:56 52:57 8:32
2354 Michael Cuadrado M4044 146 14/63 104/359 54:10 53:00 8:32
2271 Jason Behrens M3539 147 30/85 105/359 53:56 53:01 8:32
153 Sienna Sohler F0119 148 1/4 43/725 54:06 53:02 8:33
605 Eric Rodine M2529 149 11/31 106/359 53:39 53:10 8:34
873 Jessica Sjodin F0119 150 2/4 44/725 54:14 53:10 8:34
867 Erin Mohring F3539 151 15/190 45/725 53:55 53:12 8:34
557 Doug McFadden M4044 152 15/63 107/359 54:19 53:14 8:35
97 Katie Maire F2529 153 4/83 46/725 54:10 53:21 8:36
2403 Tim Meier M3539 154 31/85 108/359 53:58 53:24 8:36
2106 Bryce Gerteisen M3034 155 21/72 109/359 53:51 53:26 8:36
302 Melissa Kosch F3539 156 16/190 47/725 56:53 53:30 8:37
455 Joseph Woracek M3539 157 32/85 110/359 54:47 53:31 8:37
2286 Lee Rasmussen M4044 158 16/63 111/359 54:20 53:32 8:37
287 Sean Jensen M3539 159 33/85 112/359 54:12 53:36 8:38
2290 Sean Kenney M4549 160 15/44 113/359 53:54 53:36 8:38
33 Sara Draper F3539 161 17/190 48/725 54:16 53:38 8:38
2350 James Borer M3539 162 34/85 114/359 54:21 53:41 8:39
872 Maria Borer F3034 163 13/119 49/725 54:21 53:42 8:39
202 Ruth Brandt F5559 164 3/43 50/725 54:14 53:43 8:39
651 Daniel Weyer M4044 165 17/63 115/359 55:17 53:43 8:39

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