CNO Financial Monumental Marathon - 2021



November 6, 2021 in Indianapolis, IN

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Half-Marathon - Results

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7480 Kate Arndt F 25-29 948 55/378 257/2681 25:57 8:22 1040 50:08 8:05 955 1:11:17 7:40 886 50:10 4:03 946 1:44:17 7:58
7386 Regan Parker M 25-29 949 130/307 692/2456 25:10 8:07 845 48:47 7:52 788 1:10:24 7:35 813 48:48 3:57 781 1:44:20 7:58
7177 Lance Evans M 55-59 950 16/166 693/2456 25:27 8:13 918 50:07 8:05 948 1:12:00 7:45 958 50:08 4:03 939 1:44:21 7:58
7589 Barry Barrett M 45-49 951 63/281 694/2456 26:15 8:29 1105 50:51 8:12 1041 1:12:11 7:46 974 50:53 4:07 1032 1:44:22 7:58
8681 Steven Hess M 30-34 952 101/342 695/2456 25:21 8:11 886 50:00 8:04 925 1:11:53 7:44 935 50:02 4:03 918 1:44:23 7:58
7560 Cody Perlaky M 25-29 953 131/307 696/2456 25:08 8:07 836 48:53 7:53 799 1:10:23 7:35 812 48:55 3:57 791 1:44:25 7:58
7069 James Kuhn M 40-44 954 94/330 697/2456 25:52 8:21 1022 50:37 8:09 1019 1:12:19 7:47 993 50:38 4:05 1008 1:44:25 7:58
6805 Craig Dismore M 35-39 955 93/284 698/2456 25:25 8:12 912 50:04 8:04 940 1:11:57 7:45 953 50:06 4:03 933 1:44:25 7:58
6807 Kelly Fisher F 30-34 956 48/401 258/2681 25:25 8:12 905 50:04 8:04 942 1:11:57 7:45 954 50:06 4:03 934 1:44:26 7:58
7873 Matthew Buckley M 40-44 957 95/330 699/2456 24:23 7:52 700 48:35 7:50 770 1:10:30 7:35 817 48:37 3:56 763 1:44:26 7:58
6974 Greg Paswater M 50-54 958 44/233 700/2456 25:28 8:13 926 50:06 8:05 947 1:11:58 7:45 956 50:08 4:03 938 1:44:28 7:59
7923 Josh Plank M 40-44 959 96/330 701/2456 25:33 8:15 937 50:01 8:04 926 1:11:42 7:43 922 50:02 4:03 917 1:44:30 7:59
7126 Ernest Perez M 30-34 960 102/342 702/2456 24:36 7:56 736 49:31 7:59 861 1:12:10 7:46 972 49:33 4:00 853 1:44:31 7:59
8725 Turner Lesnick M 20-24 961 73/152 703/2456 25:11 8:08 849 49:37 8:00 872 1:11:18 7:40 887 49:38 4:01 862 1:44:34 7:59
1033 Heather Fink F 45-49 962 17/297 259/2681 25:51 8:21 1017 50:30 8:08 1007 1:12:24 7:48 998 50:31 4:05 997 1:44:34 7:59
7278 Noelle Goedde F 35-39 963 47/361 260/2681 25:53 8:21 1029 50:44 8:11 1030 1:12:36 7:49 1015 50:45 4:06 1020 1:44:45 8:00
7135 Greg Elsnic M 45-49 964 64/281 704/2456 26:47 8:39 1247 51:50 8:21 1149 1:13:32 7:55 1080 51:52 4:11 1141 1:44:47 8:00
9581 Brett Eandi M 25-29 965 132/307 705/2456 26:28 8:33 1149 51:38 8:19 1124 1:12:56 7:51 1037 51:39 4:10 1112 1:44:47 8:00
9422 Melissa Kloeppel F 25-29 966 56/378 261/2681 26:01 8:24 1060 50:23 8:07 989 1:11:48 7:44 928 50:25 4:04 981 1:44:47 8:00
8015 Susheel Suresh M 25-29 967 133/307 706/2456 24:21 7:52 691 47:46 7:42 698 1:08:50 7:25 719 47:48 3:52 692 1:44:47 8:00
15175 Maroun Beyrouthy M 45-49 968 65/281 707/2456 24:58 8:04 803 48:57 7:53 810 1:10:42 7:37 834 48:58 3:57 802 1:44:48 8:00
7743 Michael Banning M 30-34 969 103/342 708/2456 27:46 8:58 1539 52:57 8:32 1353 1:14:41 8:02 1190 - - - 1:44:48 8:00
7870 Rebecca Joray F 50-54 970 7/216 262/2681 26:19 8:30 1122 51:04 8:14 1060 1:12:38 7:49 1016 51:06 4:08 1051 1:44:48 8:00
15200 Katherine Cox F 35-39 971 48/361 263/2681 25:55 8:22 1034 50:17 8:06 976 1:11:56 7:45 949 50:18 4:04 966 1:44:48 8:00
7717 Lisa Wolf F 35-39 972 49/361 264/2681 24:38 7:57 741 49:02 7:54 816 1:11:27 7:41 898 49:04 3:58 808 1:44:50 8:00
7236 John Gaynor M 35-39 973 94/284 709/2456 24:32 7:55 722 49:11 7:56 830 1:11:40 7:43 919 49:12 3:59 823 1:44:50 8:00
12792 Ben Steffans M 40-44 974 97/330 710/2456 28:25 9:10 1748 52:37 8:29 1295 - - - 52:38 4:15 1283 1:44:51 8:00
8480 Shelby Stegemoller F 16-19 975 13/63 265/2681 25:48 8:20 997 50:35 8:09 1016 1:12:44 7:50 1028 50:36 4:05 1005 1:44:51 8:00
7625 Roger Roe M 50-54 976 45/233 711/2456 24:38 7:57 743 48:24 7:48 754 1:09:55 7:32 784 48:26 3:55 745 1:44:56 8:01
8479 Greg Comstock M 35-39 977 95/284 712/2456 28:28 9:11 1783 54:58 8:52 1643 1:15:49 8:10 1324 54:59 4:27 1621 1:44:58 8:01
7667 Hannah Eppley F 25-29 978 57/378 266/2681 25:08 8:07 835 49:38 8:00 875 1:11:38 7:43 916 49:40 4:01 867 1:44:59 8:01
7271 Sarah Anderson F 40-44 979 37/400 267/2681 25:41 8:18 975 50:32 8:09 1010 1:12:41 7:49 1021 50:34 4:05 1000 1:44:59 8:01
7568 Dustin Renner M 30-34 980 104/342 713/2456 24:46 8:00 766 49:06 7:55 823 1:11:32 7:42 905 49:07 3:58 816 1:45:00 8:01
7650 Wladyslaw MacIej M 60-64 981 17/137 714/2456 26:04 8:25 1072 51:06 8:14 1066 1:13:09 7:52 1056 51:07 4:08 1055 1:45:02 8:01
8051 Mark Achenbach M 60-64 982 18/137 715/2456 24:51 8:01 777 49:16 7:56 836 1:11:09 7:39 871 49:18 3:59 828 1:45:03 8:01
3705 Sam Wyatt M 60-64 983 19/137 716/2456 25:52 8:21 1023 51:06 8:14 1068 1:12:50 7:50 1033 51:08 4:08 1057 1:45:07 8:02
7057 Jordan Lutz M 30-34 984 105/342 717/2456 25:25 8:12 909 50:03 8:04 935 1:11:56 7:45 948 50:06 4:03 930 1:45:07 8:02
2764 Scott Hall M 40-44 985 98/330 718/2456 26:25 8:32 1139 50:54 8:12 1046 1:12:14 7:47 983 50:56 4:07 1036 1:45:11 8:02
15138 Alan Kilbarger M 55-59 986 17/166 719/2456 26:37 8:35 1189 51:20 8:16 1090 1:13:17 7:53 1061 51:22 4:09 1080 1:45:12 8:02
7156 Nathan Buchanan M 25-29 987 134/307 720/2456 25:15 8:09 866 49:55 8:03 914 1:11:55 7:44 940 49:56 4:02 905 1:45:13 8:02

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