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IMT Des Moines Marathon - 2021

Principal 5K Road Race


October 17, 2021 in Des Moines, IA

Event Groups

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Results By

Principal 5K Road Race - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 19 of 19
number of records per page: [10] [all]

9916 Mary Reilly F4549 42 1/19 9/257 24:22 7:51
9889 Kathleen Lowe F4549 138 2/19 52/257 30:31 9:50
9532 Jennifer McNeeley F4549 175 3/19 78/257 32:08 10:21
9817 Jennifer Oldfield F4549 210 4/19 109/257 34:12 11:01
9524 Melisa Haes F4549 231 5/19 123/257 35:42 11:30
9610 Jennifer Vasquez F4549 244 6/19 133/257 36:32 11:46
9893 Shannon Black F4549 261 7/19 148/257 37:15 12:00
9820 Amanda Seymour F4549 273 8/19 155/257 37:58 12:14
9539 Amy Faith F4549 274 9/19 156/257 38:04 12:16
9942 Kelly Ramsey F4549 276 10/19 158/257 38:12 12:18
9754 Kelli Soyer F4549 330 11/19 199/257 44:26 14:18
9510 Roberta Grauer-Hirt F4549 332 12/19 201/257 44:31 14:20
9771 Libby Kyte F4549 348 13/19 213/257 47:32 15:18
9930 Natasha Ratliff F4549 349 14/19 214/257 47:39 15:21
9545 Katie Turpin F4549 357 15/19 222/257 49:07 15:49
9742 Jill Moyer F4549 362 16/19 226/257 50:16 16:11
9723 Kyra Eidbo F4549 382 17/19 243/257 53:12 17:08
9790 Tonya Denhartog F4549 389 18/19 248/257 1:00:32 19:29
9863 Jodi Allan F4549 392 19/19 250/257 1:00:49 19:35

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