IMT Des Moines Marathon - 2021

Principal 5K Road Race


October 17, 2021 in Des Moines, IA

Event Groups

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Principal 5K Road Race - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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9934 James Leighton M14UN 22 3/17 16/142 22:09 7:08
9680 Alex Rabe M2529 23 8/19 17/142 22:18 7:11
9598 Brendan Comito M5054 24 2/9 18/142 22:25 7:13
9871 Nick Hisel M14UN 25 4/17 19/142 22:39 7:18
9870 Adam Hisel M1519 26 2/5 20/142 22:40 7:18
9726 Jordan Schulze M2529 27 9/19 21/142 22:51 7:21
9640 Max Kolsrud M14UN 28 5/17 22/142 23:17 7:30
9828 Colt Casey M14UN 29 6/17 23/142 23:21 7:31
9718 Greg Mandler M5559 30 1/7 24/142 23:21 7:31
9639 Justin Palas M2529 31 10/19 25/142 23:24 7:32
9842 Mark Yontz M5054 32 3/9 26/142 23:26 7:33
9890 Kiersten Van Horn F1519 33 1/6 7/257 23:29 7:34
9939 Eric Schrijver M4044 34 2/15 27/142 23:31 7:35
9525 Christine Comito F5054 35 1/17 8/257 23:37 7:36
9792 Joe Cacciatore M5559 36 2/7 28/142 23:39 7:37
9612 Jonah Stuart Brundage M3539 37 3/10 29/142 23:45 7:39
9912 Blake Newton M14UN 38 7/17 30/142 23:57 7:43
9903 Brady De Vries M3034 39 1/11 31/142 24:00 7:44
9802 Chad Johnston M4549 40 2/10 32/142 24:01 7:44
9823 Spencer Teiken M2529 41 11/19 33/142 24:12 7:48
9916 Mary Reilly F4549 42 1/19 9/257 24:22 7:51
9804 Angelica Flores F4044 43 4/31 10/257 24:35 7:55
9797 Jayna Lamping F14UN 44 1/16 11/257 24:38 7:56
9780 Lexie Wisham F14UN 45 2/16 12/257 24:38 7:56
9687 Jesus Gonzales M6569 46 1/6 34/142 24:46 7:59
9799 Tim Tesar M3539 47 4/10 35/142 24:50 8:00
9564 Travis Jungling M4044 48 3/15 36/142 24:53 8:01
9695 Taryn Swaim F2024 49 3/21 13/257 25:03 8:04
9830 Beau Casey M14UN 50 8/17 37/142 25:06 8:05
9787 Jeff Gerholdt M4044 51 4/15 38/142 25:26 8:12
9502 John Urban M5054 52 4/9 39/142 25:28 8:12
9874 Joe Murphy M3539 53 5/10 40/142 25:30 8:13
9531 Paul Kolsrud M4044 54 5/15 41/142 25:38 8:15
9595 Sam Kolsrud M14UN 55 9/17 42/142 25:38 8:15
9827 Matt Casey M4549 56 3/10 43/142 25:48 8:19
9899 Zach Sheeley M3034 57 2/11 44/142 26:01 8:23
9835 Forrest Mathison M2529 58 12/19 45/142 26:02 8:23
9917 Erica Mehlhaus F2024 59 4/21 14/257 26:02 8:23
9869 Alison Hisel F2024 60 5/21 15/257 26:05 8:24
9590 Mark Kist M3034 61 3/11 46/142 26:07 8:25

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