IMT Des Moines Marathon - 2021

Principal 5K Road Race


October 17, 2021 in Des Moines, IA

Event Groups

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Principal 5K Road Race - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 34 of 34
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9791 Jeanen France F6569 367 5/5 231/257 50:59 16:25
9711 Tomi Degrado F2529 368 28/31 232/257 50:59 16:25
9636 Cathie Law F7579 369 2/3 233/257 51:18 16:31
5619 Linda Becker F5054 370 12/17 234/257 51:19 16:31
9689 Kelly Scandrett F5054 371 13/17 235/257 51:19 16:32
9622 Terry Thomas M7579 372 2/3 136/142 51:25 16:33
9688 Lisa Anderson F5054 373 14/17 236/257 51:26 16:34
9857 Amanda Crider F3034 374 25/27 237/257 51:57 16:43
9837 Sabrina Fulton F2024 375 20/21 238/257 52:06 16:47
9631 Khuan Ho F3034 376 26/27 239/257 52:06 16:47
9690 Erin Rodriguez F3539 377 44/45 240/257 52:06 16:47
9839 Joshua Gibbons M2024 378 8/9 137/142 52:07 16:47
9710 Cory Schneider M2024 379 9/9 138/142 52:09 16:47
9576 Linda McClure F7074 380 2/2 241/257 52:16 16:50
9592 Charity Hodson F4044 381 30/31 242/257 53:10 17:07
9723 Kyra Eidbo F4549 382 17/19 243/257 53:12 17:08
9694 Maryann Armour F7579 383 3/3 244/257 54:13 17:27
9693 Alli Tsiperovich F4044 384 31/31 245/257 54:14 17:28
9625 Debora Blume F5054 385 15/17 246/257 56:41 18:15
9714 Christina Stroback F2024 386 21/21 247/257 56:42 18:15
9581 Robert Crenshaw M7579 387 3/3 139/142 59:29 19:09
9706 John Shaw M6064 388 10/10 140/142 1:00:03 19:20
9790 Tonya Denhartog F4549 389 18/19 248/257 1:00:32 19:29
9782 Becky Ingamells F5054 390 16/17 249/257 1:00:33 19:30
9605 Chris Nelson M4549 391 10/10 141/142 1:00:36 19:31
9863 Jodi Allan F4549 392 19/19 250/257 1:00:49 19:35
9891 Kelsie Moore F2529 393 29/31 251/257 1:00:49 19:35
9892 Mikayla Parks F2529 394 30/31 252/257 1:00:50 19:35
9864 Claire Muselman F3539 395 45/45 253/257 1:00:50 19:35
9670 Joshua Hendricks M2529 396 19/19 142/142 1:01:02 19:39
9669 Faith Hendricks F2529 397 31/31 254/257 1:01:02 19:39
9760 Patricia Amador\'\'lacson F5054 398 17/17 255/257 1:02:17 20:03
9614 Carly Calabrese F3034 399 27/27 256/257 1:02:52 20:14
9788 Gail Cale F6064 400 18/18 257/257 1:05:15 21:00

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