Fighting Hunger 5K Run/Walk 2012

5K Competitive Run/Walk


November 3, 2012 in Cincinnati, OH

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5K Competitive Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1531 Stephan Young M 55-59 319 11/74 252/1175 25:31.04 8:13
267 Rod Fuls M 50-54 320 17/110 253/1175 25:32 8:14
1546 Damian Bratcher M 45-49 321 25/111 254/1175 25:33 8:14
645 Trevor Harris M 15-18 322 42/103 255/1175 25:34.02 8:14
883 Drew Hicks M 01-14 323 38/196 256/1175 25:34.04 8:14
398 Mark Schmitt M 45-49 324 26/111 257/1175 25:35 8:15
2008 Dustyn Smith M 19-24 325 18/63 258/1175 25:35 8:15
1855 William Watkins M 01-14 326 39/196 259/1175 25:35.03 8:15
509 Kalyn Vogelmann F 35-39 327 5/196 68/1932 25:37 8:15
1760 Chris Miller M 30-34 328 24/98 260/1175 25:37.02 8:15
1685 Kylie Krueger F 01-14 329 12/230 69/1932 25:37.07 8:15
436 Hannah Taske F 15-18 330 12/121 70/1932 25:38 8:16
856 David Fleck M 40-44 331 26/104 261/1175 25:40.07 8:16
827 Nayeli Reza F 35-39 332 6/196 71/1932 25:41.01 8:17
244 Leona Nease F 15-18 333 13/121 72/1932 25:42.04 8:17
93 Nick Schirz M 50-54 334 18/110 262/1175 25:43.01 8:17
678 Jeff Maler M 19-24 335 19/63 263/1175 25:44.03 8:18
23 Erica Palmer F 40-44 336 10/216 73/1932 25:47.08 8:19
957 Lauren Schroer F 15-18 337 14/121 74/1932 25:48 8:19
303 Tristan Admiraal M 01-14 338 40/196 264/1175 25:49.03 8:19
956 Kyra Schroer F 45-49 339 7/229 75/1932 25:50.03 8:19
1772 Alexandra Niemeyer F 15-18 340 15/121 76/1932 25:51.09 8:20
1867 Josh George M 19-24 341 20/63 265/1175 25:52.01 8:20
1518 Mia Williams F 25-29 342 1/141 77/1932 25:52.03 8:20
366 David Stubenrauch M 40-44 343 27/104 266/1175 25:53.03 8:20
1082 Terry Kidd Ii M 45-49 344 27/111 267/1175 25:53.09 8:21
1392 Kimberly Ogle F 55-59 345 3/145 78/1932 25:55.04 8:21
1003 Kyle Houk M 25-29 346 22/85 268/1175 25:57.04 8:22
784 Stanley Geglein M 60-64 347 8/54 269/1175 25:57.07 8:22
908 Steve Deller M 55-59 348 12/74 270/1175 25:58.08 8:22
1648 Zach Carter M 15-18 349 43/103 271/1175 25:59.03 8:22
1335 Alex Lusk M 01-14 350 41/196 272/1175 25:59.04 8:22
1761 Amos Ward M 30-34 351 25/98 273/1175 25:59.04 8:22
1263 Rachel Haupt F 01-14 352 13/230 79/1932 26:01.07 8:23
1668 Kaylen Plahuta F 19-24 353 11/122 80/1932 26:02 8:23
1666 Jon Williams M 19-24 354 21/63 274/1175 26:02.03 8:23
759 Carmelia Corbin F 25-29 355 2/141 81/1932 26:02.05 8:23
1278 Tina Holliday F 40-44 356 11/216 82/1932 26:02.07 8:23
1460 Matt Steffen M 25-29 357 23/85 275/1175 26:03.07 8:24
309 Tricia Hicks F 40-44 358 12/216 83/1932 26:03.07 8:24

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