Fighting Hunger 5K Run/Walk 2012

5K Competitive Run/Walk


November 3, 2012 in Cincinnati, OH

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5K Competitive Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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4690 Bethany Lum F 30-34 2251 140/177 1307/1932 55:20.05 17:49
5792 Tracy Carpenter F 25-29 2252 101/141 1308/1932 55:20.05 17:49
4782 Dave Weiner M 50-54 2253 86/110 945/1175 55:21.02 17:49
4763 Gail Frazier F 55-59 2254 90/145 1309/1932 55:22.06 17:50
5319 Charlotte Lee F 01-14 2255 150/230 1310/1932 55:23.03 17:50
5420 Emily Scheidler F 35-39 2256 143/196 1311/1932 55:23.06 17:50
5000 Glenda Neff F 50-54 2257 129/185 1312/1932 55:23.09 17:50
5421 Brian Woodward M 30-34 2258 83/98 946/1175 55:24.02 17:50
5443 Mickey Adkison M 45-49 2259 91/111 947/1175 55:25.07 17:51
4739 Lynnee' Yowell F 30-34 2260 141/177 1313/1932 55:26.06 17:51
4859 Chris Caudill M 19-24 2261 57/63 948/1175 55:27.06 17:52
4624 Kristi Bashara F 40-44 2262 153/216 1314/1932 55:27.06 17:52
5038 Peggy Deal F 60-64 2263 41/81 1315/1932 55:28.02 17:52
5558 Nanci Heaton F 30-34 2264 142/177 1316/1932 55:28.09 17:52
4865 Lauren Yinger F 19-24 2265 98/122 1317/1932 55:29.02 17:52
4842 Kristina Delaney F 35-39 2266 144/196 1318/1932 55:29.04 17:52
5953 Ron Riffle M 50-54 2267 87/110 949/1175 55:31.07 17:53
5954 Dianna Riffle F 45-49 2268 149/229 1319/1932 55:31.09 17:53
5565 Grace Holladay F 01-14 2269 151/230 1320/1932 55:32.01 17:53
5699 Thomas Webster M 55-59 2270 56/74 950/1175 55:32.02 17:53
913 Abbie Huffman F 30-34 2271 143/177 1321/1932 55:32.05 17:53
4530 Thomas Ruff M 65-69 2272 18/28 951/1175 55:32.09 17:53
395 Diane Rinaldi F 50-54 2273 130/185 1322/1932 55:33 17:53
5566 Michelle Holladay F 40-44 2274 154/216 1323/1932 55:34.02 17:54
4792 Pat Stouder F 65-69 2275 19/41 1324/1932 55:35.07 17:54
4786 Mary Holsinger F 45-49 2276 150/229 1325/1932 55:35.08 17:54
5422 Julie Whayne F 45-49 2277 151/229 1326/1932 55:36.01 17:54
1651 Michael Gaynor M 15-18 2278 93/103 952/1175 55:38 17:55
1023 Casie Milligan F NOAGE 2279 11/24 1327/1932 55:39.07 17:55
4522 Karen Ferry F 65-69 2280 20/41 1328/1932 55:43.04 17:57
4527 Gary Mueller M 60-64 2281 37/54 953/1175 55:43.07 17:57
1211 Sean Deokaran M 25-29 2282 81/85 954/1175 55:45.09 17:57
4794 Stephanie Tucker F 19-24 2283 99/122 1329/1932 55:46.05 17:58
4784 Rachel Chait F 25-29 2284 102/141 1330/1932 55:46.09 17:58
4145 Thomas Williams M 45-49 2285 92/111 955/1175 55:47.04 17:58
5644 Tonja Randall F 60-64 2286 42/81 1331/1932 55:51.05 17:59
5652 Marla Richardson F 55-59 2287 91/145 1332/1932 55:51.06 17:59
5544 Janie Giffen F 65-69 2288 21/41 1333/1932 55:51.09 17:59
6004 Zach Jarmon M 19-24 2289 58/63 956/1175 55:53.04 18:00
5869 Suzanne Miller F 65-69 2290 22/41 1334/1932 55:54.09 18:00

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