IMT Des Moines Marathon - 2021

MercyOne 5-Mile Run - Results

Charts and Stats
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8215 Mihaela Bojin F4549 210 13/19 126/181 55:59 11:12
8228 Konner Furnal F2529 211 17/20 127/181 56:03 11:13
8287 Kristin Burns F4549 212 14/19 128/181 56:31 11:19
8010 Tammy Newton F5559 213 9/17 129/181 56:41 11:21
8153 Mackenzie Thorpe F3539 214 27/37 130/181 57:12 11:27
8189 Caroline Kinney F3539 215 28/37 131/181 57:14 11:27
8268 Joni Leinen F4549 216 15/19 132/181 57:16 11:28
8014 Duane Osmun M7074 217 4/5 85/105 57:30 11:30
8290 Kelly Hewitt F2529 218 18/20 133/181 58:08 11:38
8061 Alicia Kuenzel F3539 219 29/37 134/181 58:14 11:39
8077 Anna Toohey F5054 220 13/17 135/181 58:17 11:40
8238 Cherie Hron F4044 221 14/20 136/181 58:24 11:41
8237 Angel Cendejas M4044 222 8/10 86/105 58:24 11:41
8341 Shasta Copper F2529 223 19/20 137/181 58:31 11:43
8134 Eva Coale F5559 224 10/17 138/181 58:32 11:43
8316 Michael Frelund M4044 225 9/10 87/105 58:40 11:44
8139 Lisa Williamson F6064 226 9/9 139/181 58:57 11:48
8098 Morgan Spellman F3034 227 17/21 140/181 59:19 11:52
8285 Doug Fuller M3539 228 11/12 88/105 59:26 11:54
8056 Caroline Brown F14UN 229 3/4 141/181 59:27 11:54
8057 Amy Faith F4549 230 16/19 142/181 59:56 12:00
8342 Amanda Griffin F3539 231 30/37 143/181 1:00:05 12:01
8069 Amber Nevin F4044 232 15/20 144/181 1:00:08 12:02
8337 Tara Luna F3034 233 18/21 145/181 1:00:14 12:03
8180 Todd Fortner M4549 234 8/10 89/105 1:00:17 12:04
8012 David Lawrence M4044 235 10/10 90/105 1:00:40 12:08
8016 Sonya Crosby F5559 236 11/17 146/181 1:00:45 12:09
8040 Joseph Hehr M1519 237 7/7 91/105 1:00:52 12:11
8171 Margie Clow F2024 238 6/7 147/181 1:00:55 12:11
8239 Angel Bergman F4044 239 16/20 148/181 1:01:12 12:15
8259 Kathryn McCauley F5559 240 12/17 149/181 1:01:28 12:18
8230 Brette Ratliff F2529 241 20/20 150/181 1:01:40 12:20
8047 Rick Schraeger M5559 242 5/6 92/105 1:01:45 12:21
8046 Julie Schraeger F5559 243 13/17 151/181 1:01:46 12:22
8023 Amy Johnson F4549 244 17/19 152/181 1:02:02 12:25
8246 Martin Hester M5054 245 11/11 93/105 1:02:18 12:28
8172 Giuliana Garretto F14UN 246 4/4 153/181 1:02:23 12:29
8125 Jeff Garretto M3539 247 12/12 94/105 1:02:23 12:29
8247 Jennifer Hester F4549 248 18/19 154/181 1:02:45 12:33
8162 Amber Holland F3539 249 31/37 155/181 1:03:57 12:48

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