2018 Harvest Moon Hustle

10K Overall--Searchable Format


September 14, 2018 in Elmwood, NE

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10K Overall--Searchable Format - Results

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569 Cassidy Morsett F2529 914 69/83 587/725 1:28:05 1:23:22 13:25
2144 Alyssa Froiland F3034 915 99/119 588/725 1:28:14 1:23:28 13:26
2151 Rhonda Carr F3539 916 156/190 589/725 1:28:06 1:23:36 13:28
646 Carolyn Volkmer F6064 917 11/17 590/725 1:27:02 1:23:47 13:29
529 Amie Kent F5054 918 30/37 591/725 1:26:55 1:23:57 13:31
2330 Katie Hale F2024 919 15/23 592/725 1:28:07 1:24:02 13:32
2336 Kristin Daubendiek F4044 920 116/140 593/725 1:26:09 1:24:02 13:32
596 Krista Potter F5559 921 35/43 594/725 1:27:31 1:24:03 13:32
292 Elizabeth Kavan F4044 922 117/140 595/725 1:28:48 1:24:07 13:33
2065 Monica Janssen F4044 923 118/140 596/725 1:28:33 1:24:15 13:34
2376 Deanna Leyden F4549 924 55/63 597/725 1:28:33 1:24:17 13:34
781 Amanda Forker F3034 925 100/119 598/725 1:26:57 1:24:21 13:35
721 Dave Reeder M6064 926 11/12 328/359 1:26:08 1:24:26 13:36
727 Chris Scalzo M3034 927 66/72 329/359 1:29:44 1:24:26 13:36
128 Jessica Reeder F2529 928 70/83 599/725 1:26:07 1:24:26 13:36
2333 Dana Thomas F5559 929 36/43 600/725 1:27:44 1:24:27 13:36
658 Chris Allen M3539 930 78/85 330/359 1:27:11 1:24:28 13:36
2170 Krissi Benson F4549 931 56/63 601/725 1:30:05 1:24:45 13:39
2457 Todd Lorenz M3539 932 79/85 331/359 1:28:15 1:24:50 13:40
664 Eric Burklund M4044 933 59/63 332/359 1:29:55 1:25:01 13:41
758 Dan Schroeder M4044 934 60/63 333/359 1:29:06 1:25:04 13:42
2438 Jason Hinze M4044 935 61/63 334/359 1:27:41 1:25:05 13:42
2221 Courtney Hinze F3539 936 157/190 602/725 1:27:41 1:25:08 13:42
2445 Kirsten Graves F4044 937 119/140 603/725 1:29:13 1:25:12 13:43
2107 Morgan Gerteisen F3034 938 101/119 604/725 1:29:01 1:25:16 13:44
2093 Lisa Jones F6064 939 12/17 605/725 1:29:39 1:25:16 13:44
2329 Ashley Plack F3539 940 158/190 606/725 1:28:31 1:25:17 13:44
2083 Billie Muehlenkamp F6064 941 13/17 607/725 1:29:44 1:25:20 13:44
676 Michael Dvorak M3539 942 80/85 335/359 1:30:27 1:25:22 13:45
2045 Aimee Johns F3539 943 159/190 608/725 1:30:37 1:25:24 13:45
696 Mary King F3539 944 160/190 609/725 1:29:39 1:25:24 13:45
2044 Kayla Manley F2024 945 16/23 610/725 1:30:37 1:25:24 13:45
2474 Vanessa Steggs F3539 946 161/190 611/725 1:29:45 1:25:30 13:46
499 Mikayla Fasen F2529 947 71/83 612/725 1:28:09 1:25:31 13:46
2331 Cheryl McCarter F4044 948 120/140 613/725 1:28:48 1:25:31 13:46
473 Jeremy Bloch M3034 949 67/72 336/359 1:29:44 1:25:42 13:48
316 Timothy Luedders M3034 950 68/72 337/359 1:29:41 1:25:48 13:49
359 Christina Oltman F3034 951 102/119 614/725 1:28:43 1:25:56 13:50
584 Dustin Oltman M3539 952 81/85 338/359 1:28:43 1:25:56 13:50
531 Emily Killham F3539 953 162/190 615/725 1:29:20 1:25:57 13:50

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