2018 Harvest Moon Hustle

10K Overall--Searchable Format


September 14, 2018 in Elmwood, NE

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10K Overall--Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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183 Victoria Zajac F4549 378 11/63 182/725 1:06:23 1:02:14 10:01
2250 Rebecca Nelson F2529 379 24/83 183/725 1:04:20 1:02:15 10:02
111 Lee Nelson M4549 380 24/44 197/359 1:07:16 1:02:19 10:02
521 Jason Horvatich M3539 381 54/85 198/359 1:07:16 1:02:19 10:02
23 Jill Classen F4044 382 36/140 184/725 1:02:56 1:02:19 10:02
565 Jeffrey Miller M4549 383 25/44 199/359 1:04:12 1:02:19 10:02
256 Erin Griesman F3034 384 34/119 185/725 1:04:10 1:02:22 10:03
2391 Joel Christensen M5559 385 10/16 200/359 1:03:23 1:02:23 10:03
75 Amanda Jones F2529 386 25/83 186/725 1:03:39 1:02:26 10:03
35 Beth Dvorak F3539 387 54/190 187/725 1:06:07 1:02:31 10:04
156 Brenda Steinhauser F4549 388 12/63 188/725 1:04:29 1:02:32 10:04
2122 Nathan Anderson M3034 389 39/72 201/359 1:05:39 1:02:38 10:05
10 Thea Bauer F4044 390 37/140 189/725 1:05:00 1:02:38 10:05
371 Connie Peterson F4549 391 13/63 190/725 1:03:52 1:02:40 10:05
469 Rachel Bintz F3539 392 55/190 191/725 1:05:37 1:02:43 10:06
834 Emily Churilla F2529 393 26/83 192/725 1:04:08 1:02:49 10:07
326 Erin McKown F4044 394 38/140 193/725 1:04:35 1:02:50 10:07
2233 Sara Haas F3034 395 35/119 194/725 1:05:41 1:02:54 10:08
2224 Martina Sadler F4044 396 39/140 195/725 1:04:05 1:02:54 10:08
22 Melody Charleson F5054 397 7/37 196/725 1:05:51 1:03:01 10:09
706 Michael Masters M4044 398 31/63 202/359 1:06:44 1:03:03 10:09
2366 Jen Oestmann F3034 399 36/119 197/725 1:06:07 1:03:03 10:09
18 Jenny Briseno F4044 400 40/140 198/725 1:06:05 1:03:05 10:10
678 Jeffrey Gann M4549 401 26/44 203/359 1:04:12 1:03:05 10:10
2297 Travis Borer M3034 402 40/72 204/359 1:04:54 1:03:07 10:10
2196 Amy Frankforter F4549 403 14/63 199/725 1:06:12 1:03:07 10:10
830 Stacey Carnazzo F4549 404 15/63 200/725 1:03:42 1:03:08 10:10
484 Matthew Clements M3034 405 41/72 205/359 1:07:02 1:03:08 10:10
2079 Marci Rost F4549 406 16/63 201/725 1:04:59 1:03:08 10:10
821 Gina Tabisola F2529 407 27/83 202/725 1:04:54 1:03:08 10:10
2238 Joanne Rosenbaugh F3034 408 37/119 203/725 1:04:41 1:03:09 10:10
2264 Tucker Ferguson M3034 409 42/72 206/359 1:05:53 1:03:18 10:12
44 Daniell Ferguson F3034 410 38/119 204/725 1:05:53 1:03:18 10:12
2302 Ryan Stubbendieck M3539 411 55/85 207/359 1:07:20 1:03:19 10:12
2150 Michelle Zahn F5054 412 8/37 205/725 1:05:41 1:03:19 10:12
2195 Jason Sjodin M4549 413 27/44 208/359 1:04:25 1:03:21 10:12
2476 Diana Jacobsen F4044 414 41/140 206/725 1:04:43 1:03:22 10:12
2089 Michelle Lesiak F5054 415 9/37 207/725 1:04:16 1:03:22 10:12
138 Kris Rohde F4044 416 42/140 208/725 1:04:14 1:03:22 10:12
48 Carina Francia F2529 417 28/83 209/725 1:05:49 1:03:23 10:12

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