2020 Harvest Moon Hustle

10K Overall--Searchable Format

Event Postponed until Sunday September 13 due to weather


September 13, 2020 in Elmwood, NE

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10K Overall--Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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608 Audrey Cooper F3034 413 39/48 228/292 1:13:22 1:12:19 11:39
561 Renate Alumbaugh F5054 414 24/28 229/292 1:13:40 1:12:22 11:39
588 Donald Eric McCulley M4549 415 24/28 186/200 1:14:37 1:12:24 11:39
691 Erin Greve F3034 416 40/48 230/292 1:15:03 1:12:26 11:40
856 Miranda Davis F4044 417 29/37 231/292 1:13:39 1:12:31 11:41
918 Tracy Jarosik F4044 418 30/37 232/292 1:13:55 1:12:35 11:41
1208 Margaret Churchill-Black F5559 419 18/20 233/292 1:12:55 1:12:46 11:43
1291 Sheila McSorley F5054 420 25/28 234/292 1:14:48 1:12:59 11:45
1212 Ashley Bovee F3034 421 41/48 235/292 1:15:42 1:13:03 11:46
687 Chloe Davidson F2529 422 30/38 236/292 1:15:18 1:13:10 11:47
979 Bethany Atkins F3034 423 42/48 237/292 1:15:05 1:13:23 11:49
1235 Shana Martinez F4044 424 31/37 238/292 1:15:18 1:13:36 11:51
1236 Jeff Larsen M4549 425 25/28 187/200 1:16:42 1:13:39 11:52
957 Kelli Claassen F2529 426 31/38 239/292 1:14:19 1:13:48 11:53
913 Melanie Boone F3034 427 43/48 240/292 1:16:27 1:13:55 11:54
641 Jerry Alumbaugh M4549 428 26/28 188/200 1:15:41 1:14:23 11:59
1232 Cynthia Von Seggern F3539 429 56/71 241/292 1:14:48 1:14:30 12:00
699 Stephanie Ferguson F3539 430 57/71 242/292 1:14:31 1:14:31 12:00
1244 Kathleen Rolf F3539 431 58/71 243/292 1:16:41 1:14:34 12:01
1201 Denee Kunzman F3539 432 59/71 244/292 1:16:41 1:14:36 12:01
692 Tammy Shires F4549 433 25/33 245/292 1:15:19 1:14:36 12:01
634 Alicia Cruce F4549 434 26/33 246/292 1:15:13 1:14:40 12:01
960 Amanda Conradt F3539 435 60/71 247/292 1:14:58 1:14:47 12:02
928 Jeff Martinson M4549 436 27/28 189/200 1:15:32 1:14:47 12:02
662 Laura Larosa F3034 437 44/48 248/292 1:15:42 1:14:50 12:03
673 Amber Pace F3539 438 61/71 249/292 1:14:58 1:14:50 12:03
1209 Christopher Young M4044 439 42/43 190/200 1:16:27 1:15:16 12:07
954 Kathi Ferguson F6064 440 5/6 250/292 1:16:53 1:15:18 12:07
646 Lisa Hale F5054 441 26/28 251/292 1:18:10 1:15:57 12:14
586 Tim Smith M3539 442 36/39 191/200 1:17:14 1:16:16 12:17
985 Kristin Morgan F3539 443 62/71 252/292 1:16:35 1:16:19 12:17
632 Melissa Radke F3539 444 63/71 253/292 1:17:25 1:16:22 12:18
1341 Alyssa Blair F2529 445 32/38 254/292 1:18:46 1:16:50 12:22
1250 Whitney Echtenkamp F2024 446 5/5 255/292 1:18:42 1:17:07 12:25
912 Bailey Echtenkamp F2529 447 33/38 256/292 1:18:43 1:17:07 12:25
1346 Chelsea Doggett F3539 448 64/71 257/292 1:19:11 1:17:20 12:27
606 Nicole Lindquist F3539 449 65/71 258/292 1:19:21 1:17:38 12:30
677 Robin Brester F4044 450 32/37 259/292 1:19:06 1:17:38 12:30
968 Roya Attaie F4549 451 27/33 260/292 1:19:35 1:18:01 12:34
1203 Ryan Drees M3539 452 37/39 192/200 1:21:04 1:18:02 12:34

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