Fighting Hunger 5K Run/Walk 2012

5K Competitive Run/Walk


November 3, 2012 in Cincinnati, OH

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5K Competitive Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1881 Eddie Biehle M 01-14 94 14/196 83/1175 21:58.08 7:05
421 Ken Huber M 30-34 95 10/98 84/1175 21:59.04 7:05
379 Dave Roberts M 55-59 96 2/74 85/1175 22:00.04 7:05
1007 Sam Stockwell M 25-29 97 8/85 86/1175 22:04.04 7:07
314 Josh Henderson M 25-29 98 9/85 87/1175 22:04.06 7:07
1730 Megan Palmer F 30-34 99 1/177 12/1932 22:07.09 7:08
530 Ryan Heher M 25-29 100 10/85 88/1175 22:08.06 7:08
47 Chad Vilas M 25-29 101 11/85 89/1175 22:09.04 7:08
635 Susan Brown F 40-44 102 3/216 13/1932 22:10.05 7:09
1880 Nay Paine M 15-18 103 22/103 90/1175 22:11.03 7:09
844 Abigail Belcher F 15-18 104 5/121 14/1932 22:12 7:09
2002 Jason Davis M 01-14 105 15/196 91/1175 22:14.02 7:10
1374 Jake Moses M 01-14 106 16/196 92/1175 22:14.04 7:10
342 Tym House M 19-24 107 9/63 93/1175 22:16.01 7:11
1154 Tim Binning M 40-44 108 6/104 94/1175 22:16.06 7:11
715 Andy Sloan M 35-39 109 10/101 95/1175 22:17.07 7:11
453 Jim Glendon M 60-64 110 1/54 96/1175 22:18.07 7:11
1599 Holly Thompson F 01-14 111 3/230 15/1932 22:19.08 7:12
698 Brad Jackson M 30-34 112 11/98 97/1175 22:19.09 7:12
989 Spencer Ireton M 15-18 113 23/103 98/1175 22:20.03 7:12
605 Zachary Newman M 15-18 114 24/103 99/1175 22:20.06 7:12
501 Kyle Payne M 35-39 115 11/101 100/1175 22:21.09 7:12
622 Erik Schutzman M 40-44 116 7/104 101/1175 22:25.03 7:13
1677 Tyler Frye M NOAGE 117 1/13 102/1175 22:25.06 7:14
5747 Jennifer Matthew F 40-44 118 4/216 16/1932 22:26 7:14
55 Josh Ranels M 30-34 119 12/98 103/1175 22:26.06 7:14
1524 Joseph Witkowski M 35-39 120 12/101 104/1175 22:29.02 7:15
932 Michael Nelson M 35-39 121 13/101 105/1175 22:30.01 7:15
220 Luke Browning M 15-18 122 25/103 106/1175 22:30.04 7:15
791 Joshua Lieland M 25-29 123 12/85 107/1175 22:30.05 7:15
531 Nathan Korando M 25-29 124 13/85 108/1175 22:31.04 7:15
764 Pattie Lucking F 50-54 125 1/185 17/1932 22:35.03 7:17
1655 Jon Valentine M 15-18 126 26/103 109/1175 22:36.04 7:17
1649 Tim Glick M 15-18 127 27/103 110/1175 22:40.03 7:18
1577 Brian McCarthy M 15-18 128 28/103 111/1175 22:40.06 7:18
1184 Mark Clayton M 15-18 129 29/103 112/1175 22:41.07 7:19
191 Karla Park F 19-24 130 2/122 18/1932 22:42.05 7:19
536 Bethany Stecher F 19-24 131 3/122 19/1932 22:43.04 7:19
1565 Allison Rogge F 15-18 132 6/121 20/1932 22:43.09 7:19
301 Jeff Admiraal M 40-44 133 8/104 113/1175 22:44.04 7:20

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