Fighting Hunger 5K Run/Walk 2012

5K Competitive Run/Walk


November 3, 2012 in Cincinnati, OH

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5K Competitive Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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5005 Phyllis Sampson F 70-UP 1887 3/24 1042/1932 50:17.01 16:12
4191 Michelle Marcus F 45-49 1888 121/229 1043/1932 50:17.03 16:12
5850 Mary Ann Edwards F 60-64 1889 31/81 1044/1932 50:17.07 16:12
5507 Mark Cooper M 45-49 1890 79/111 846/1175 50:18 16:12
640 Liz Hamilton F 30-34 1891 112/177 1045/1932 50:18.07 16:12
4186 Bobbie Groh F 45-49 1892 122/229 1046/1932 50:19.02 16:12
5464 Kristy Bernhardt F 40-44 1893 133/216 1047/1932 50:19.03 16:12
5506 Madison Cooper F 15-18 1894 68/121 1048/1932 50:19.05 16:12
4876 Tim Case M 40-44 1895 80/104 847/1175 50:20.03 16:13
499 Kathe Mullins F 35-39 1896 118/196 1049/1932 50:20.05 16:13
5232 Kayla Gibbins F 01-14 1897 132/230 1050/1932 50:20.06 16:13
498 Cecil Mullins M 45-49 1898 80/111 848/1175 50:20.06 16:13
4877 Zach Case M 01-14 1899 128/196 849/1175 50:20.08 16:13
4023 Stephanie Brown F 25-29 1900 87/141 1051/1932 50:21.04 16:13
6006 Louisa Rice F NOAGE 1901 7/24 1052/1932 50:21.04 16:13
5508 Maureen Cooper F 45-49 1902 123/229 1053/1932 50:21.05 16:13
4167 Bev Gill F 50-54 1903 90/185 1054/1932 50:21.06 16:13
5031 Holly Smith-Conway F 19-24 1904 87/122 1055/1932 50:21.09 16:13
5231 Elvina Ewing-Gibbins F 30-34 1905 113/177 1056/1932 50:23.07 16:14
4852 Patrice Sterrett F 50-54 1906 91/185 1057/1932 50:23.09 16:14
5687 Jacob Timberlin M 15-18 1907 89/103 850/1175 50:25.04 16:14
5144 Emilie Orians F 25-29 1908 88/141 1058/1932 50:26 16:14
5145 Jerry Rouse M 25-29 1909 75/85 851/1175 50:26.03 16:15
4026 Beverly Nichols F 50-54 1910 92/185 1059/1932 50:27.08 16:15
4349 Karen Coleman F 25-29 1911 89/141 1060/1932 50:28.02 16:15
4025 Leslie Lakamp F 30-34 1912 114/177 1061/1932 50:29.02 16:15
5084 Anne Wilkinson F 50-54 1913 93/185 1062/1932 50:32.03 16:16
4151 Annie Peloquin F 01-14 1914 133/230 1063/1932 50:33 16:17
4728 Norma Thornton F 50-54 1915 94/185 1064/1932 50:39.06 16:19
5589 Kay Kuntz F 55-59 1916 55/145 1065/1932 50:42.08 16:20
5907 Jennifer Goff F 35-39 1917 119/196 1066/1932 50:42.09 16:20
5837 Joanne Kroger F 50-54 1918 95/185 1067/1932 50:43.02 16:20
5838 Gabrielle Kruger F 15-18 1919 69/121 1068/1932 50:43.04 16:20
6274 Es Caldwell M 70-UP 1920 14/35 852/1175 50:46 16:21
5630 Kyle Osborne M 19-24 1921 54/63 853/1175 50:46.08 16:21
5629 Alane Osborne F 25-29 1922 90/141 1069/1932 50:47.04 16:21
4649 Wanda Davis F 50-54 1923 96/185 1070/1932 50:48.03 16:22
5944 Beth Kemper F 50-54 1924 97/185 1071/1932 50:49.01 16:22
4493 Marilyn Chamberlain F 60-64 1925 32/81 1072/1932 50:50.04 16:22
1265 Allyson Heger F 40-44 1926 134/216 1073/1932 50:54.01 16:23

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