2018 Harvest Moon Hustle

10K Overall--Searchable Format


September 14, 2018 in Elmwood, NE

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10K Overall--Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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2196 Amy Frankforter F4549 403 14/63 199/725 1:06:12 1:03:07 10:10
830 Stacey Carnazzo F4549 404 15/63 200/725 1:03:42 1:03:08 10:10
484 Matthew Clements M3034 405 41/72 205/359 1:07:02 1:03:08 10:10
2079 Marci Rost F4549 406 16/63 201/725 1:04:59 1:03:08 10:10
821 Gina Tabisola F2529 407 27/83 202/725 1:04:54 1:03:08 10:10
2238 Joanne Rosenbaugh F3034 408 37/119 203/725 1:04:41 1:03:09 10:10
2264 Tucker Ferguson M3034 409 42/72 206/359 1:05:53 1:03:18 10:12
44 Daniell Ferguson F3034 410 38/119 204/725 1:05:53 1:03:18 10:12
2302 Ryan Stubbendieck M3539 411 55/85 207/359 1:07:20 1:03:19 10:12
2150 Michelle Zahn F5054 412 8/37 205/725 1:05:41 1:03:19 10:12
2195 Jason Sjodin M4549 413 27/44 208/359 1:04:25 1:03:21 10:12
2476 Diana Jacobsen F4044 414 41/140 206/725 1:04:43 1:03:22 10:12
2089 Michelle Lesiak F5054 415 9/37 207/725 1:04:16 1:03:22 10:12
138 Kris Rohde F4044 416 42/140 208/725 1:04:14 1:03:22 10:12
48 Carina Francia F2529 417 28/83 209/725 1:05:49 1:03:23 10:12
271 Jordyn Hilger F2529 418 29/83 210/725 1:06:37 1:03:23 10:12
87 Carrie Lewis F3539 419 56/190 211/725 1:04:46 1:03:26 10:13
36 Laurie Eakley F4549 420 17/63 212/725 1:04:33 1:03:30 10:14
160 Donelle Thomas F5054 421 10/37 213/725 1:06:55 1:03:32 10:14
27 Torri Criger F3034 422 39/119 214/725 1:05:56 1:03:35 10:14
537 Kevin Kruse M4044 423 32/63 209/359 1:07:19 1:03:37 10:15
560 Kara Merchant F4044 424 43/140 215/725 1:06:41 1:03:39 10:15
2368 Brian Harter M4044 425 33/63 210/359 1:03:41 1:03:41 10:15
281 Kaitlin Jacobsen F2529 426 30/83 216/725 1:06:08 1:03:42 10:16
868 Kelli Staack F3034 427 40/119 217/725 1:06:07 1:03:44 10:16
71 Sarah Jansa F3539 428 57/190 218/725 1:07:55 1:03:44 10:16
871 Angie Deboer F4044 429 44/140 219/725 1:05:54 1:03:45 10:16
880 Courtney Armbrust-Hess F2529 430 31/83 220/725 1:05:25 1:03:46 10:16
13 Laura Bjornstad F2529 431 32/83 221/725 1:04:55 1:03:47 10:16
2299 Amanda Rohde F3034 432 41/119 222/725 1:06:31 1:03:48 10:16
2431 Michael Bradley M3539 433 56/85 211/359 1:06:31 1:03:48 10:16
782 Visnja Vujin F3034 434 42/119 223/725 1:04:36 1:03:49 10:17
2409 Chris Carr M4044 435 34/63 212/359 1:05:30 1:03:52 10:17
483 Saul Castillo M3034 436 43/72 213/359 1:05:46 1:03:54 10:17
297 Cynthia Kinning F4044 437 45/140 224/725 1:07:12 1:03:56 10:18
69 Georgina Hueske F4549 438 18/63 225/725 1:04:49 1:03:56 10:18
96 Darcie Mackling F3539 439 58/190 226/725 1:07:12 1:03:56 10:18
827 Alyssa Cochnar F2024 440 6/23 227/725 1:05:35 1:03:57 10:18
137 Holly Rogge F4549 441 19/63 228/725 1:06:49 1:03:58 10:18
492 Ron Dunic M5559 442 11/16 214/359 1:06:26 1:04:00 10:18

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