2016 Hyde Park Pilgrim Run



November 24, 2016 in Kansas City, MO


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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4146 Brian Pomerenke M4549 778 22/31 374/479 47:34 15:21
4115 Tamara Miller F6569 779 3/18 405/605 47:34 15:21
4116 Tamara Miller F6569 780 4/18 406/605 47:35 15:21
4145 Jodi Nelsen F4549 781 31/46 407/605 47:35 15:22
4351 Tommy Wood M3539 782 42/50 375/479 47:45 15:25
4628 Emma Girson F2024 783 35/49 408/605 48:02 15:30
4209 Brad Epsten M5054 784 24/29 376/479 48:02 15:30
4918 Ellen Buchanan M7584 785 2/6 377/479 48:04 15:31
4201 Jesse Parkhurst M3539 786 43/50 378/479 48:19 15:36
4202 Joanna Parkhurst F3034 787 58/72 409/605 48:20 15:36
4187 Andrew Shepard M2529 788 39/48 379/479 48:20 15:36
4298 Jacqueline Russell F2529 789 47/63 410/605 48:25 15:38
4297 Robert Russell M6569 790 9/19 380/479 48:26 15:38
4870 Paul Sommers M5054 791 25/29 381/479 48:38 15:42
4591 Lori Hanaway F4549 792 32/46 411/605 48:43 15:44
4590 Dan Hanaway M4549 793 23/31 382/479 48:45 15:44
4992 Garrett Hunkins M2529 794 40/48 383/479 48:55 15:47
4991 Megan Scanlon F2529 795 48/63 412/605 48:55 15:47
4794 Rick Harmon M5559 796 29/37 384/479 48:57 15:48
4795 Connie Harmon F4044 797 38/54 413/605 48:57 15:48
4934 Jennifer Bentley F4549 798 33/46 414/605 48:59 15:49
4989 Madison Harmon F2024 799 36/49 415/605 49:01 15:49
4390 Narah Crumlick F2529 800 49/63 416/605 49:01 15:49
4978 Jordan Fairfield F2024 801 37/49 417/605 49:02 15:50
4757 Zachary Strecker M1014 802 36/41 385/479 49:10 15:52
4760 Cj Strecker MUN09 803 20/28 386/479 49:15 15:54
4974 Pam Wade F5559 804 28/44 418/605 49:16 15:54
4756 Laura Strecker F4044 805 39/54 419/605 49:19 15:55
4302 Tiffany Jenkins F3539 806 48/63 420/605 49:21 15:56
4868 Mary Grimaldi F6064 807 24/33 421/605 49:34 16:00
4247 Rachael Phillips F3539 808 49/63 422/605 49:35 16:00
4872 Anne Archibold F5054 809 34/57 423/605 49:36 16:01
4567 Ginny Thomas F6569 810 5/18 424/605 49:36 16:01
4871 Mennat Sommers F1519 811 25/43 425/605 49:39 16:02
4869 Tom Grimaldi M6064 812 19/22 387/479 49:40 16:02
4167 Queen Wilkes F1519 813 26/43 426/605 49:40 16:02
5187 Stacey Girimaldi F2024 814 38/49 427/605 49:41 16:02
4074 Heather Toney F3539 815 50/63 428/605 49:44 16:03
4075 Debra Robinson F6064 816 25/33 429/605 49:46 16:04
4841 Lynsey Lowdon F1519 817 27/43 430/605 49:49 16:05

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