2016 Hyde Park Pilgrim Run



November 24, 2016 in Kansas City, MO


Results By

5K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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4088 Sean Carney M2529 332 25/48 213/479 30:47 9:56
4089 Kim Carney F5559 333 4/44 120/605 30:47 9:56
4104 Gretchen Hummel F2529 334 18/63 121/605 30:53 9:58
4451 Kelley Cramm F5559 335 5/44 122/605 30:53 9:58
4310 Melissa Stringer F3539 336 11/63 123/605 30:54 9:59
4687 Jeff Hopper M3539 337 20/50 214/479 30:54 9:59
5137 Clare Kimmis F1519 338 9/43 124/605 30:55 9:59
4428 Joan Dougherty F6064 339 4/33 125/605 30:56 9:59
4478 Olivia Swenka F1014 340 12/41 126/605 30:58 10:00
5016 Laura Ellison F4549 341 9/46 127/605 30:59 10:00
5216 Deb Vacek F5559 342 6/44 128/605 31:03 10:02
4404 Lucas Oehlerking M3034 343 32/56 215/479 31:06 10:03
4031 Rocco Hesse M1014 344 18/41 216/479 31:07 10:03
5024 Amy Medina F4549 345 10/46 129/605 31:12 10:04
4866 Noah H M1519 346 19/32 217/479 31:14 10:05
4100 Jon Moore M2529 347 26/48 218/479 31:16 10:06
4129 Ally Chitwood F1519 348 10/43 130/605 31:19 10:07
4131 Jeremy Huffman M3539 349 21/50 219/479 31:19 10:07
4780 Jeffrey Tromans M4549 350 11/31 220/479 31:21 10:07
5157 Grady Johnson MUN09 351 10/28 221/479 31:22 10:08
4915 Jennifer Bentley F4044 352 14/54 131/605 31:23 10:08
4369 Holly Villasi F3539 353 12/63 132/605 31:25 10:09
4382 Tara Hall F4549 354 11/46 133/605 31:25 10:09
4370 Paul Villasi M4044 355 24/41 222/479 31:25 10:09
4612 Gary Marker M4549 356 12/31 223/479 31:27 10:09
4383 Wade Hall M4549 357 13/31 224/479 31:27 10:09
4381 Chad Austin M3539 358 22/50 225/479 31:28 10:10
4164 Jared Acree M3034 359 33/56 226/479 31:28 10:10
4582 Carly Hendrickson F1519 360 11/43 134/605 31:30 10:10
5225 Matt Groepel M3034 361 34/56 227/479 31:35 10:12
5224 Travis Groepel M3034 362 35/56 228/479 31:36 10:12
5227 Joanne Barberon F5054 363 10/57 135/605 31:36 10:12
5136 Shanna Kimmis F5054 364 11/57 136/605 31:42 10:14
4701 Jud Easterday M3539 365 23/50 229/479 31:44 10:15
5015 Crystal White F2529 366 19/63 137/605 31:46 10:16
4436 Cayden Morris M1014 367 19/41 230/479 31:50 10:17
4466 Karen Kline F2024 368 16/49 138/605 31:54 10:18
4837 Katie McLaughlin F3034 369 22/72 139/605 31:55 10:18
4435 Krista Morris F4044 370 15/54 140/605 31:55 10:18
5038 Ann Anthony F5559 371 7/44 141/605 31:56 10:19

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