2016 Hyde Park Pilgrim Run



November 24, 2016 in Kansas City, MO


Results By

5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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5082 Fia Maxwell F3034 239 18/72 80/605 28:21 9:09
5083 John Tharp M3034 240 24/56 160/479 28:24 9:10
4190 Peter Vanwylen M3034 241 25/56 161/479 28:24 9:10
5081 Clare Barclay F3034 242 19/72 81/605 28:25 9:11
4139 Miranda Schultz F2024 243 12/49 82/605 28:25 9:11
4138 Greg Schultz M5559 244 13/37 162/479 28:25 9:11
4660 Morgan Killmar F1519 245 4/43 83/605 28:26 9:11
5198 Steve Obrien M5054 246 14/29 163/479 28:30 9:12
4670 Marlow Owens M1014 247 14/41 164/479 28:31 9:13
4937 Tulip Welde FUN09 248 1/13 84/605 28:34 9:14
4727 Julie Warner F6064 249 1/33 85/605 28:38 9:15
4172 Kali Yates F2529 250 12/63 86/605 28:38 9:15
4800 Becky Windschitl F2024 251 13/49 87/605 28:39 9:15
4950 Amy Winger F4044 252 11/54 88/605 28:39 9:15
4169 Diane Richardson Spaite F3539 253 9/63 89/605 28:41 9:16
5162 Stinson Aranda MUN09 254 6/28 165/479 28:47 9:18
5170 Carina Murphy F2529 255 13/63 90/605 28:55 9:20
4803 Tim Andrejasich M2529 256 16/48 166/479 28:55 9:20
4178 John Lightstone M3539 257 13/50 167/479 28:56 9:21
4012 Bea Curry F1014 258 6/41 91/605 28:57 9:21
4759 Henry Worth MUN09 259 7/28 168/479 28:57 9:21
4261 Allison Griffin F2529 260 14/63 92/605 28:57 9:21
4053 Sofia Schlozman F1519 261 5/43 93/605 28:59 9:22
5219 Marie Rainfouth F5054 262 7/57 94/605 28:59 9:22
5218 Chad Askelson M4549 263 8/31 169/479 29:00 9:22
5222 Aaron Rourke M4044 264 21/41 170/479 29:01 9:22
4975 Jordan Fairfield F2024 265 14/49 95/605 29:02 9:23
4805 Shawn Daugherty M2529 266 17/48 171/479 29:02 9:23
4556 Mary Emanuel F4549 267 7/46 96/605 29:02 9:23
4338 Zach Legg M1014 268 15/41 172/479 29:02 9:23
4557 Brett Emanuel M4549 269 9/31 173/479 29:03 9:23
4771 James Lloyd M6569 270 2/19 174/479 29:04 9:23
5212 Ozgood Hawkins MUN09 271 8/28 175/479 29:04 9:23
4876 Gary Foltz M6569 272 3/19 176/479 29:04 9:23
5070 Terry Nelson M6569 273 4/19 177/479 29:06 9:24
4170 David Richardson Spaite M3034 274 26/56 178/479 29:06 9:24
4256 David Wetzel M3034 275 27/56 179/479 29:07 9:24
5114 Ron Montgomery M6064 276 6/22 180/479 29:09 9:25
4483 Clark Siscoe M5559 277 14/37 181/479 29:11 9:26
4879 Makayla Humble F1014 278 7/41 97/605 29:14 9:26

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