Fighting Hunger 5K Run/Walk 2012

5K Competitive Run/Walk


November 3, 2012 in Cincinnati, OH

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5K Competitive Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1202 Kathryn Creehan F 01-14 555 28/230 174/1932 28:20.06 9:08
1464 Marissa Sturkey F 01-14 556 29/230 175/1932 28:21.01 9:08
1843 William Smith M 55-59 557 14/74 382/1175 28:21.02 9:08
1106 Michael Harvey M 19-24 558 28/63 383/1175 28:21.04 9:08
539 Kenny Keslar M 30-34 559 32/98 384/1175 28:21.09 9:08
2005 Rob Behtune M 35-39 560 39/101 385/1175 28:22.08 9:09
253 Marisa Haycock F 19-24 561 26/122 176/1932 28:23.04 9:09
129 Jenny Garrity F 45-49 562 18/229 177/1932 28:24 9:09
1847 Dave Booker M 45-49 563 37/111 386/1175 28:24.05 9:09
1396 Micah Owens M 40-44 564 38/104 387/1175 28:24.06 9:09
1311 Linda Koscianski F 55-59 565 8/145 178/1932 28:26.03 9:10
1309 William Kladakis M 30-34 566 33/98 388/1175 28:27 9:10
1172 Kyle Cannon M 25-29 567 42/85 389/1175 28:27.02 9:10
1455 Timothy Smile M 25-29 568 43/85 390/1175 28:27.04 9:10
1720 Rebecca Trate F 15-18 569 22/121 179/1932 28:30.02 9:11
582 Heather Haibel F 25-29 570 12/141 180/1932 28:30.06 9:11
1755 Anna Reyland F 25-29 571 13/141 181/1932 28:31.06 9:11
1294 Robert Jacobson M 50-54 572 31/110 391/1175 28:32.07 9:12
1223 Jay Endres M 55-59 573 15/74 392/1175 28:33.03 9:12
717 Mandi Sloan F 30-34 574 19/177 182/1932 28:34.02 9:12
458 John Beckman M 45-49 575 38/111 393/1175 28:34.08 9:12
1811 Gregg Shewbridge M 45-49 576 39/111 394/1175 28:35.02 9:13
603 Anna Listermann F 25-29 577 14/141 183/1932 28:35.04 9:13
1043 Audrey Smiddy F 01-14 578 30/230 184/1932 28:35.06 9:13
606 James Rapien M 19-24 579 29/63 395/1175 28:35.07 9:13
1261 Marywynn Haupt F 45-49 580 19/229 185/1932 28:35.08 9:13
1813 Jeff Vaughn M 45-49 581 40/111 396/1175 28:36.06 9:13
5610 Melissa McMillen F 35-39 582 15/196 186/1932 28:37.01 9:13
10 Maggie Brownrigg F 15-18 583 23/121 187/1932 28:37.09 9:13
48 Kathy Vilas F 45-49 584 20/229 188/1932 28:38.05 9:14
976 Nick Giordullo Sr. M 40-44 585 39/104 397/1175 28:39.02 9:14
549 Leah Burroughs F 25-29 586 15/141 189/1932 28:39.07 9:14
588 Jessica Benedict F 25-29 587 16/141 190/1932 28:41 9:14
465 Ron Carpenter M 45-49 588 41/111 398/1175 28:41.04 9:15
816 Elaine Kerr F 45-49 589 21/229 191/1932 28:42.09 9:15
1572 Shannon Brown F 25-29 590 17/141 192/1932 28:44.03 9:15
4720 Roland Ridge M 40-44 591 40/104 399/1175 28:44.05 9:16
1658 Kirk Marshall M 30-34 592 34/98 400/1175 28:44.09 9:16
1462 Carol Straubing F 60-64 593 2/81 193/1932 28:45.08 9:16
1659 Patrick Dewhurst M 15-18 594 54/103 401/1175 28:47.01 9:16

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