2016 Hyde Park Pilgrim Run



November 24, 2016 in Kansas City, MO


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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4249 Lea Daum F5559 682 21/44 338/605 41:37 13:26
4491 Angela Kemp F3539 683 41/63 339/605 41:43 13:28
4030 Roan Hesse M1014 684 34/41 345/479 41:48 13:30
4025 Amy Eastin F2529 685 36/63 340/605 41:54 13:32
4148 Elizabeth Mukherjee F3034 686 56/72 341/605 41:57 13:33
4048 Lucy Zajaczkiewicz F3539 687 42/63 342/605 41:57 13:33
4863 Ryan P M1519 688 24/32 346/479 42:00 13:34
4489 Kara Boeshaar F2529 689 37/63 343/605 42:01 13:34
5117 Michael Persell M3034 690 46/56 347/479 42:03 13:34
5145 Lacey Cavner F2529 691 38/63 344/605 42:03 13:35
5148 Kalyn Valoier F2529 692 39/63 345/605 42:03 13:35
4656 Alexandria Valdivia F5054 693 26/57 346/605 42:04 13:35
4488 Amy Boeshaar F2529 694 40/63 347/605 42:04 13:35
4838 Clayton McLaughlin M3034 695 47/56 348/479 42:06 13:36
4537 Frank Andrejasich M6064 696 18/22 349/479 42:07 13:36
4156 Marie Green F1519 697 23/43 348/605 42:12 13:37
4993 Lisa Lattan F4549 698 25/46 349/605 42:13 13:38
4646 Maria Medellin F4044 699 34/54 350/605 42:22 13:41
4334 Cole Bednarczyk M1014 700 35/41 350/479 42:26 13:42
4301 Abby Craig F3539 701 43/63 351/605 42:28 13:42
4372 Megan Weiner F2024 702 30/49 352/605 42:35 13:45
4373 Paige Weiner F1014 703 31/41 353/605 42:36 13:45
4332 Collette Bednarczyk F4044 704 35/54 354/605 42:37 13:46
4220 Tim Marcott M5054 705 22/29 351/479 42:45 13:48
4380 John Thornton M5054 706 23/29 352/479 42:49 13:49
4855 Thor Garlick M4549 707 19/31 353/479 42:50 13:50
4985 Colette Hunt F4549 708 26/46 355/605 42:55 13:51
4250 Lindsey Daum F2024 709 31/49 356/605 42:56 13:52
4680 Elaine Burton F5559 710 22/44 357/605 42:57 13:52
4681 David Burton M7584 711 1/6 354/479 42:57 13:52
4379 Michele Thornton F5054 712 27/57 358/605 42:58 13:52
4939 Kitty Malone F6064 713 16/33 359/605 43:00 13:53
4534 Cathy Andrejasich F5559 714 23/44 360/605 43:26 14:01
4229 Carlos Ruiz M4549 715 20/31 355/479 43:26 14:01
5476 Teai Culton F3539 716 44/63 361/605 43:27 14:02
4096 Courtney Peace F3539 717 45/63 362/605 43:27 14:02
4635 Kim Stevens F5054 718 28/57 363/605 43:42 14:06
5233 Josh Downing M3034 719 48/56 356/479 43:43 14:07
4163 Patrick Love M2024 720 20/28 357/479 43:43 14:07
4040 Kimberly Foster F3539 721 46/63 364/605 43:43 14:07

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