2016 Hyde Park Pilgrim Run



November 24, 2016 in Kansas City, MO


Results By

5K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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4268 Julie Lynch F4549 725 27/46 367/605 43:46 14:08
4387 Hannah Cunningham F3034 726 57/72 368/605 43:55 14:11
4386 Ashley Duval F2529 727 41/63 369/605 44:01 14:13
5138 Jon McGraw M???? 728 1/1 359/479 44:05 14:14
4926 Diane Burnette F5054 729 29/57 370/605 44:08 14:15
5080 Wendy McGraw F5559 730 24/44 371/605 44:08 14:15
4864 Moses M M1519 731 25/32 360/479 44:26 14:21
5207 Jessica Hall F6064 732 18/33 372/605 44:29 14:22
4495 Liz Marshall F1014 733 32/41 373/605 44:32 14:23
4493 Leslie Marshall F4044 734 36/54 374/605 44:33 14:23
4630 Meredith Finley F1519 735 24/43 375/605 44:39 14:25
4505 Lindsay Bonebrake F2529 736 42/63 376/605 44:40 14:25
4507 Starla Koehler F2529 737 43/63 377/605 44:40 14:25
4688 Alyssa Murphy F2529 738 44/63 378/605 44:44 14:27
5130 Michael Brown M5559 739 27/37 361/479 44:47 14:27
5128 Mildred Brown F5559 740 25/44 379/605 44:47 14:27
4376 Deb O'Connor F6064 741 19/33 380/605 44:56 14:30
4631 Hannah Frost F2529 742 45/63 381/605 45:08 14:34
4153 Nancy Green F5054 743 30/57 382/605 45:11 14:35
4166 Carmen Wilkes F3539 744 47/63 383/605 45:23 14:39
4278 David Nelson M3539 745 40/50 362/479 45:26 14:40
4384 Thomas Cunningham M3034 746 50/56 363/479 45:26 14:40
4279 Aedan Nelson MUN09 747 19/28 364/479 45:26 14:40
4385 Will Cunningham M2529 748 36/48 365/479 45:26 14:40
4811 Lillian Ralph FUN09 749 7/13 384/605 45:27 14:40
5245 Lisa Burgess F5054 750 31/57 385/605 45:28 14:41
4509 Kate Sloan F2024 751 33/49 386/605 45:28 14:41
4810 Chris Ralph M3539 752 41/50 366/479 45:29 14:41
4649 Sharon Pugh F6569 753 1/18 387/605 45:48 14:47
5103 Teresa Elder F5054 754 32/57 388/605 45:51 14:48
5108 Judy Groves F4549 755 28/46 389/605 45:52 14:48
5110 Jr Gentile F4549 756 29/46 390/605 45:52 14:48
4072 Lynda Lawrie F4044 757 37/54 391/605 45:53 14:49
4214 Kathryn Grosdidier F5559 758 26/44 392/605 46:07 14:53
4217 Bradford Brennan M2529 759 37/48 367/479 46:07 14:53
4536 Phil Hendrickson M7074 760 6/8 368/479 46:14 14:55
4806 Darci Daugherty F2024 761 34/49 393/605 46:20 14:57
5189 Terri Hickam F6064 762 20/33 394/605 46:20 14:57
5188 Bob Hickam M5559 763 28/37 369/479 46:20 14:57
4471 Aaron Zitron M4044 764 37/41 370/479 46:23 14:58

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