Fighting Hunger 5K Run/Walk 2012

5K Competitive Run/Walk


November 3, 2012 in Cincinnati, OH

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5K Competitive Run/Walk - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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4874 Carol Case F 35-39 2410 150/196 1419/1932 57:08.09 18:24
6257 Victoria Villagran F 01-14 2411 169/230 1420/1932 57:10.01 18:25
6256 Maria Villagran F 45-49 2412 167/229 1421/1932 57:10.06 18:25
4807 Margie Davis F 65-69 2413 23/41 1422/1932 57:11.01 18:25
4588 Kamille Green F 35-39 2414 151/196 1423/1932 57:11.01 18:25
5056 Ingrid York F 35-39 2415 152/196 1424/1932 57:11.02 18:25
4768 Riley Lauterbur F 01-14 2416 170/230 1425/1932 57:12.07 18:25
5911 Briana Weiler F 15-18 2417 89/121 1426/1932 57:12.07 18:25
5912 Danielle Bestfelt F 15-18 2418 90/121 1427/1932 57:13.08 18:26
5986 Jack Pruitt M 60-64 2419 39/54 992/1175 57:16.03 18:27
4785 Roseann Chait F 55-59 2420 99/145 1428/1932 57:16.05 18:27
5913 Isabelle Kalubi F 30-34 2421 148/177 1429/1932 57:16.05 18:27
4787 Lisa Landers F 45-49 2422 168/229 1430/1932 57:17.01 18:27
5995 Bailey Spaulding F 01-14 2423 171/230 1431/1932 57:17.04 18:27
5074 Holly Grim F 55-59 2424 100/145 1432/1932 57:17.05 18:27
4240 Ed Hopkins M 65-69 2425 20/28 993/1175 57:18.01 18:27
5908 Jenny-Kate Digirolamo F 19-24 2426 104/122 1433/1932 57:18.05 18:27
4767 Hayley Lauterbur F 35-39 2427 153/196 1434/1932 57:18.06 18:27
4748 Vicky Knue F 55-59 2428 101/145 1435/1932 57:18.06 18:27
4747 Kathy Katrak F 55-59 2429 102/145 1436/1932 57:19.03 18:27
4263 Jesse Green M 15-18 2430 95/103 994/1175 57:19.06 18:28
5116 Rodney Hopkins M 40-44 2431 91/104 995/1175 57:19.08 18:28
958 Vicki Robinson F 30-34 2432 149/177 1437/1932 57:19.08 18:28
5115 Leanne Hopkins F 40-44 2433 165/216 1438/1932 57:20 18:28
671 Cindy Boller F 35-39 2434 154/196 1439/1932 57:20.01 18:28
4298 Jude Gerhardt M 01-14 2435 155/196 996/1175 57:20.06 18:28
5296 Megan Bastin F 15-18 2436 91/121 1440/1932 57:21.01 18:28
5301 Jenn Little F 15-18 2437 92/121 1441/1932 57:21.02 18:28
4241 Peggy Hopkins F 65-69 2438 24/41 1442/1932 57:21.03 18:28
4299 Monica Gerhardt F 45-49 2439 169/229 1443/1932 57:21.07 18:28
5756 Rebecca Houghton F 25-29 2440 104/141 1444/1932 57:23.02 18:29
5755 Rachel Houghton F 25-29 2441 105/141 1445/1932 57:23.05 18:29
4254 Braxton Green M 01-14 2442 156/196 997/1175 57:24.07 18:29
5114 Jay Dee Page M 50-54 2443 94/110 998/1175 57:24.08 18:29
4223 Terry Lievestro M 50-54 2444 95/110 999/1175 57:24.08 18:29
4802 Yetive Perkins F 50-54 2445 140/185 1446/1932 57:25.01 18:29
5373 Brenda Green F 60-64 2446 49/81 1447/1932 57:26.01 18:30
4259 Cody Green M 01-14 2447 157/196 1000/1175 57:27 18:30
5318 Michelle McCoy F 25-29 2448 106/141 1448/1932 57:27.02 18:30
1353 William Menz M 60-64 2449 40/54 1001/1175 57:27.09 18:30

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