2016 Hyde Park Pilgrim Run



November 24, 2016 in Kansas City, MO


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5K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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4781 Megan Moriarty F3539 611 34/63 292/605 38:52 12:33
5229 Amanda Holt F3539 612 35/63 293/605 38:52 12:33
4967 Freddie Beal F1519 613 19/43 294/605 38:53 12:33
5191 Madelynn Cascone F1014 614 27/41 295/605 38:55 12:34
5193 Rachel Cascone F1014 615 28/41 296/605 38:55 12:34
5192 Emily Busch F4044 616 29/54 297/605 38:55 12:34
4894 Raymond Cattaneo M3539 617 34/50 320/479 39:02 12:36
4484 Dana Siscoe F4044 618 30/54 298/605 39:03 12:36
5167 Mica Ekis M1519 619 23/32 321/479 39:03 12:36
4895 Dustin Cates M3539 620 35/50 322/479 39:03 12:37
4280 Marlene Wilkerson F4549 621 20/46 299/605 39:04 12:37
5239 Isaiah Berrineer MUN09 622 16/28 323/479 39:04 12:37
4896 Emmaus Cates-Cattaneo MUN09 623 17/28 324/479 39:04 12:37
4224 Steve Culver M4044 624 36/41 325/479 39:05 12:37
4024 Edward Jacobe M6064 625 13/22 326/479 39:06 12:37
4987 Lindsey Warsnak F1014 626 29/41 300/605 39:11 12:39
4223 Megan Culver F4044 627 31/54 301/605 39:14 12:40
4825 Nicole Bechard F3539 628 36/63 302/605 39:18 12:41
4634 Morgan Crader F3034 629 51/72 303/605 39:19 12:41
5047 Carson Dean M2024 630 17/28 327/479 39:25 12:43
4242 Makenna Schaefer F1014 631 30/41 304/605 39:27 12:44
4528 Linda Daugherty F5559 632 17/44 305/605 39:28 12:45
4952 Stephen Simon M6064 633 14/22 328/479 39:29 12:45
4527 Chuck Charles M6064 634 15/22 329/479 39:29 12:45
4492 Andrew Kemp MUN09 635 18/28 330/479 39:29 12:45
4303 Melissa Eddy F4549 636 21/46 306/605 39:30 12:45
4416 Bailey Turley F1519 637 20/43 307/605 39:33 12:46
4415 Bethany Turley F2529 638 32/63 308/605 39:36 12:47
4920 Darren Roubinek M5054 639 20/29 331/479 39:38 12:48
4490 Valerie Kemp F3034 640 52/72 309/605 39:39 12:48
4921 Darcy Rasmussen F5054 641 22/57 310/605 39:39 12:48
4917 Logan Bentley M1014 642 32/41 332/479 39:45 12:50
4400 Rachel Acree F2024 643 26/49 311/605 39:49 12:51
4165 Lisa Acree F3034 644 53/72 312/605 39:49 12:51
4827 Brandon Gall M3034 645 45/56 333/479 39:50 12:52
4844 Aurora Rodriguez F1519 646 21/43 313/605 39:51 12:52
4826 Ashley Gall F3034 647 54/72 314/605 39:53 12:52
4083 Nicole Ficklin F1519 648 22/43 315/605 39:53 12:53
4423 Kelly Phillips F5054 649 23/57 316/605 40:01 12:55
4736 Ralph Fitle M3539 650 36/50 334/479 40:02 12:55

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