2016 Hyde Park Pilgrim Run



November 24, 2016 in Kansas City, MO


Results By

5K - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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4830 Joe Green M3034 891 51/56 411/479 52:43 17:01
4348 Meredith Love F2024 892 44/49 481/605 52:47 17:02
4159 Aaron Love M6064 893 20/22 412/479 52:47 17:02
4004 Wendy Horton F3539 894 54/63 482/605 52:47 17:02
4744 Derrick Leeson M5559 895 33/37 413/479 52:51 17:03
4747 Lorna Helmig F6064 896 28/33 483/605 52:52 17:04
5143 Suzanne Welde F4044 897 44/54 484/605 52:52 17:04
4938 Kelly Linkous F3539 898 55/63 485/605 52:52 17:04
4936 Luke Welde MUN09 899 22/28 414/479 52:52 17:04
4126 Kris Blackwelder F6569 900 9/18 486/605 52:54 17:04
4123 Andrea Blackwelder F3539 901 56/63 487/605 52:54 17:05
5011 Travana Alexander F5054 902 41/57 488/605 53:05 17:08
4283 Heather Jones M3539 903 48/50 415/479 53:07 17:09
4286 Luke Jones MUN09 904 23/28 416/479 53:09 17:09
5012 Alicia Smith F5054 905 42/57 489/605 53:11 17:10
4867 Tristen M M1519 906 27/32 417/479 53:24 17:14
4398 Thad Miller M1519 907 28/32 418/479 53:30 17:16
4396 Cheryl Miller F4044 908 45/54 490/605 53:30 17:16
4395 Mike Miller M4549 909 26/31 419/479 53:30 17:16
4397 Michael Miller M2024 910 24/28 420/479 53:30 17:16
4198 Clay Marcusen M6569 911 15/19 421/479 53:32 17:17
4188 Emily Shepard F2529 912 52/63 491/605 53:32 17:17
4999 Cole Soucie M2529 913 44/48 422/479 53:34 17:17
4846 Claire Marquette FUN09 914 8/13 492/605 53:35 17:18
4186 Margo Shepard F5559 915 36/44 493/605 53:35 17:18
4845 Gene Ann Newcomer F6569 916 10/18 494/605 53:35 17:18
5109 Kevin Dede M4044 917 38/41 423/479 53:40 17:19
4638 David Ferrier M3034 918 52/56 424/479 53:44 17:21
5105 Jacob Elder M2024 919 25/28 425/479 53:45 17:21
5026 Gonz Medina M4549 920 27/31 426/479 53:46 17:21
5104 Joe Elder M5054 921 26/29 427/479 53:46 17:21
5027 Eli Medina MUN09 922 24/28 428/479 53:47 17:21
4840 Nancy Lowdon F5054 923 43/57 495/605 53:48 17:22
4189 Audrey Vanwylen F3034 924 61/72 496/605 53:59 17:26
4640 June White F5054 925 44/57 497/605 54:00 17:26
4196 Myra Richardson F5559 926 37/44 498/605 54:00 17:26
4087 Jamie Young F3539 927 57/63 499/605 54:06 17:28
4312 Julie Prittt F4044 928 46/54 500/605 54:07 17:28
4085 John Jespersen M5559 929 34/37 429/479 54:17 17:31
4086 Katherine Jespersen F3034 930 62/72 501/605 54:19 17:32

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