2016 Hyde Park Pilgrim Run



November 24, 2016 in Kansas City, MO


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5K - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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5116 Patrick Wiley M1519 166 16/32 120/479 26:26 8:32
4904 Colleen Smith F1519 167 2/43 47/605 26:31 8:34
4935 Callie Warren F2024 168 8/49 48/605 26:31 8:34
5234 Megan Fitzgerald F2024 169 9/49 49/605 26:32 8:34
5184 Dorothy Dring F5054 170 3/57 50/605 26:32 8:34
4812 John Berry M6569 171 1/19 121/479 26:32 8:34
4136 Jordan Buckley M2529 172 12/48 122/479 26:35 8:35
4065 Meredith Wegener F3539 173 4/63 51/605 26:35 8:35
4066 Jeffrey Wegener M3034 174 17/56 123/479 26:35 8:35
5074 Isaac Mishler M3034 175 18/56 124/479 26:37 8:36
4134 Sara Wood F3539 176 5/63 52/605 26:37 8:36
5073 Martin Mishler M5559 177 10/37 125/479 26:38 8:36
5183 Scott Atkinson M5054 178 12/29 126/479 26:40 8:37
4959 Sally Lajoie F2529 179 10/63 53/605 26:40 8:37
4118 Darren Newell M3034 180 19/56 127/479 26:43 8:38
4203 William Borge M2529 181 13/48 128/479 26:44 8:38
4657 Latasha McBride F4044 182 7/54 54/605 26:44 8:38
4663 Evan Neuls M3034 183 20/56 129/479 26:44 8:38
4659 Jonette Killmar F5054 184 4/57 55/605 26:47 8:39
4988 Elizabeth Belden F3034 185 13/72 56/605 26:53 8:41
4121 William Ford M3034 186 21/56 130/479 26:54 8:41
4604 Davis Barr F1014 187 4/41 57/605 27:02 8:44
4817 Colleen Vannicola F5559 188 1/44 58/605 27:08 8:46
4453 Dylan Cramm Horn M2024 189 10/28 131/479 27:10 8:46
4703 Cole Easterday M2529 190 14/48 132/479 27:15 8:48
4288 Kostya Johnson M1519 191 17/32 133/479 27:15 8:48
4733 Austin Merchant M1014 192 7/41 134/479 27:16 8:48
4804 Erin Andrejasich F2529 193 11/63 59/605 27:16 8:48
5226 Amanda Grimes F3034 194 14/72 60/605 27:17 8:49
5196 Kaleigh Klosak F1519 195 3/43 61/605 27:17 8:49
5195 Augy Klosak M5054 196 13/29 135/479 27:17 8:49
4610 Priscilla Miles F4549 197 4/46 62/605 27:18 8:49
4578 Mary Anthes F5054 198 5/57 63/605 27:18 8:49
4120 Clayton Jones M2024 199 11/28 136/479 27:19 8:49
5185 Julie Bond F4044 200 8/54 64/605 27:19 8:50
4265 Kate Gibbs F3034 201 15/72 65/605 27:22 8:50
4755 Jack Beal M2024 202 12/28 137/479 27:23 8:51
4621 Hayden Taylor M1014 203 8/41 138/479 27:23 8:51
4758 Jennifer Worth F4044 204 9/54 66/605 27:23 8:51
4340 Sharon Steinmeyer F5559 205 2/44 67/605 27:25 8:51

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