Fighting Hunger 5K Run/Walk 2013

5K Competitive Run/Walk


November 9, 2013 in Cincinnati, OH

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5K Competitive Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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383 Kevin Torrans M 40-44 137 8/108 116/1200 23:13 7:29
736 Kelly Henson F 35-39 138 1/194 22/2081 23:14 7:29
3458 Scott Liston M 50-54 139 5/114 117/1200 23:15 7:30
1233 Catie Bretz F 30-34 140 4/191 23/2081 23:16 7:30
3864 Trent Witkop M 35-39 141 15/121 118/1200 23:17 7:30
3098 Lars Carlsson M 55-59 142 6/64 119/1200 23:25 7:33
260 Sean Dugan M 25-29 143 8/75 120/1200 23:26 7:33
2259 Lauren Schroer F 15-18 144 6/136 24/2081 23:26 7:33
760 MacY McMonigle F 15-18 145 7/136 25/2081 23:26 7:33
3084 Lawrence Butkus M 50-54 146 6/114 121/1200 23:30 7:34
3536 Carly Miller F 25-29 147 3/151 26/2081 23:30 7:35
3233 Adam Eury M 30-34 148 13/97 122/1200 23:31 7:35
4196 Jim Graham M 55-59 149 7/64 123/1200 23:31 7:35
2548 Andy Farrell M 30-34 150 14/97 124/1200 23:32 7:35
3603 Neil Ott M 01-14 151 22/204 125/1200 23:34 7:36
530 Joshua Lieland M 25-29 152 9/75 126/1200 23:34 7:36
2327 Mark Loftin M 45-49 153 13/130 127/1200 23:34 7:36
271 Eric Yerian M 35-39 154 16/121 128/1200 23:38 7:37
272 Lisa Yerian F 30-34 155 5/191 27/2081 23:38 7:37
96 Mark Stecher M 25-29 156 10/75 129/1200 23:39 7:38
3522 Jason Merkel M 01-14 157 23/204 130/1200 23:42 7:38
3823 Angelo Valli M 01-14 158 24/204 131/1200 23:44 7:39
2426 Doug Rumminger M 50-54 159 7/114 132/1200 23:44 7:39
3811 Steve Tosh M 45-49 160 14/130 133/1200 23:45 7:39
3571 Michael Nelson M 35-39 161 17/121 134/1200 23:45 7:39
1401 Jake Towner M 19-24 162 13/82 135/1200 23:47 7:40
517 Nick Otto M 25-29 163 11/75 136/1200 23:47 7:40
1518 Chris Francosky M 35-39 164 18/121 137/1200 23:49 7:41
214 Kjersti Fry F 15-18 165 8/136 28/2081 23:49 7:41
1632 Rebecca Kollstedt F 19-24 166 5/121 29/2081 23:52 7:41
197 Scott Hartmann M 35-39 167 19/121 138/1200 23:53 7:42
392 Matt Higgins M 50-54 168 8/114 139/1200 23:54 7:42
861 Richard Muskopf M 45-49 169 15/130 140/1200 23:54 7:42
3995 Samuel Harvey M 15-18 170 21/75 141/1200 23:54 7:42
3784 Meg Swigart F 30-34 171 6/191 30/2081 23:56 7:43
1834 Chris Cahill M 30-34 172 15/97 142/1200 23:56 7:43
205 Wesley Barnette M 19-24 173 14/82 143/1200 23:56 7:43
3497 David McCamey M 60-64 174 1/41 144/1200 23:57 7:43
3841 Alex Weber M 30-34 175 16/97 145/1200 23:58 7:43
3024 Brady Bauer M 01-14 176 25/204 146/1200 23:58 7:43

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