Hunger 5K Run/Walk 2017

5K Competitive Run/Walk


November 4, 2017 in Blue Ash, OH

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5K Competitive Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1779 Clayton Webster M 30-34 150 9/69 122/1162 23:12 7:29
1702 Kevin Torrans M 45-49 151 10/106 123/1162 23:13 7:29
3483 Eric Schauberger M 35-39 152 13/80 124/1162 23:13 7:29
2064 Noah Dickinson M 01-14 153 22/236 125/1162 23:13 7:29
3246 Joe Fitzpatrick M 35-39 154 14/80 126/1162 23:14 7:29
1099 Jon Seest M 35-39 155 15/80 127/1162 23:16 7:30
2667 Ben Lundgren M 40-44 156 15/104 128/1162 23:16 7:30
3713 Trey Parker M 01-14 157 23/236 129/1162 23:18 7:31
3726 Anthony Clerc M 45-49 158 11/106 130/1162 23:19 7:31
3099 Michael Ziepfel-Moore M 40-44 159 16/104 131/1162 23:20 7:31
876 Sam Gutzwiller M 45-49 160 12/106 132/1162 23:21 7:31
446 Joe Moeddel M 35-39 161 16/80 133/1162 23:21 7:32
428 Carl Merrow M 40-44 162 17/104 134/1162 23:22 7:32
886 Emily Rodeffer F 01-14 163 10/250 29/1764 23:22 7:32
1234 Nathan Spetz M 01-14 164 24/236 135/1162 23:23 7:32
555 Maggie Schurger F 40-44 165 1/156 30/1764 23:23 7:32
333 Grant Kasler M 19-24 166 8/60 136/1162 23:24 7:33
3188 Zachary Beneteau M 15-18 167 26/83 137/1162 23:27 7:34
2072 Isaac Darko M 35-39 168 17/80 138/1162 23:27 7:34
3119 Michael Kelley M 35-39 169 18/80 139/1162 23:28 7:34
3189 Brady Beneteau M 01-14 170 25/236 140/1162 23:28 7:34
3650 Grace Venzor F 25-29 171 4/114 31/1764 23:29 7:34
3424 Meggie Hagerty F 19-24 172 1/102 32/1764 23:30 7:34
3630 Nicole McCullough F 30-34 173 3/100 33/1764 23:30 7:35
2762 Ricky Lewis M 30-34 174 10/69 141/1162 23:33 7:35
3314 Ethan Marshall M 01-14 175 26/236 142/1162 23:34 7:36
2797 Nick Smith M 01-14 176 27/236 143/1162 23:35 7:36
21 Koji Asari M 40-44 177 18/104 144/1162 23:37 7:37
618 Luke Stadelmann M 01-14 178 28/236 145/1162 23:38 7:37
3738 Rob Bulas M 50-54 179 10/99 146/1162 23:39 7:37
2259 Brendan Leavitt M 40-44 180 19/104 147/1162 23:40 7:38
3469 Michael Brod M 55-59 181 6/94 148/1162 23:41 7:38
1172 Stan Kaniecki M 40-44 182 20/104 149/1162 23:47 7:40
2971 Chris Kuhn M 15-18 183 27/83 150/1162 23:47 7:40
3487 Paul Weisman M 60-64 184 4/81 151/1162 23:48 7:40
3382 Matt Wheeler M 19-24 185 9/60 152/1162 23:51 7:41
2220 Luke Eminger M 01-14 186 29/236 153/1162 23:51 7:41
638 Jay Sugawara M 55-59 187 7/94 154/1162 23:52 7:42
730 Kelly Zembas F 19-24 188 2/102 34/1764 23:52 7:42
1431 Robert Frederick M 60-64 189 5/81 155/1162 23:53 7:42

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