Fighting Hunger 5K Run/Walk 2012

5K Competitive Run/Walk


November 3, 2012 in Cincinnati, OH

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5K Competitive Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1384 Jeff Napier M 45-49 1080 57/111 613/1175 34:21.04 11:04
960 Kim Lainhart F 40-44 1081 60/216 468/1932 34:22.05 11:04
1434 Melba Schultz F 45-49 1082 51/229 469/1932 34:22.06 11:04
1834 Anna Ehlerding F 30-34 1083 54/177 470/1932 34:23.02 11:05
356 Lisa Fields F 40-44 1084 61/216 471/1932 34:25.03 11:05
1226 Chris Evans F 40-44 1085 62/216 472/1932 34:26.08 11:06
895 Karen Richard F 45-49 1086 52/229 473/1932 34:27.01 11:06
1097 Yvonne Kempf F 45-49 1087 53/229 474/1932 34:27.02 11:06
1851 Tony Taphorn M 45-49 1088 58/111 614/1175 34:27.07 11:06
1017 Hannah Dickard F 01-14 1089 63/230 475/1932 34:27.09 11:06
1508 Steve Werenski M 65-69 1090 6/28 615/1175 34:29.01 11:06
1476 Clare Towle F 45-49 1091 54/229 476/1932 34:34.01 11:08
1191 Kristy Conlin F 40-44 1092 63/216 477/1932 34:35.01 11:08
1418 Steve Rue M 50-54 1093 52/110 616/1175 34:36 11:09
1093 Mary Domingo F 25-29 1094 47/141 478/1932 34:37 11:09
1369 Manda Moberly F 15-18 1095 39/121 479/1932 34:37.03 11:09
4863 Jeff Higgins M 45-49 1096 59/111 617/1175 34:38.04 11:09
1280 Cathy Honsaker F 60-64 1097 8/81 480/1932 34:38.04 11:09
1467 Rebeccah Tate F 19-24 1098 50/122 481/1932 34:39.02 11:10
1016 Dennis Dickard M 45-49 1099 60/111 618/1175 34:41.04 11:10
276 Nick Shoemaker M 15-18 1100 75/103 619/1175 34:41.05 11:10
866 Abby Ping F 19-24 1101 51/122 482/1932 34:41.08 11:11
1327 Dawn Lieber F 40-44 1102 64/216 483/1932 34:42.05 11:11
1604 Jessica Cooling F 15-18 1103 40/121 484/1932 34:43 11:11
882 Anna Kate Hicks F 01-14 1104 64/230 485/1932 34:43.08 11:11
277 Pam Shoemaker F 01-14 1105 65/230 486/1932 34:43.09 11:11
394 Donna Long F 65-69 1106 2/41 487/1932 34:44.08 11:12
899 Rebecca Durkee F 30-34 1107 55/177 488/1932 34:45 11:12
903 Sara Young F 30-34 1108 56/177 489/1932 34:45.03 11:12
994 Bill Beaver M 45-49 1109 61/111 620/1175 34:48.01 11:13
89 Dale Katherine Beaver F 45-49 1110 55/229 490/1932 34:48.01 11:13
726 Ronna Lucas F 45-49 1111 56/229 491/1932 34:49.08 11:13
987 Stephanie Jeter F 45-49 1112 57/229 492/1932 34:50.05 11:13
22 Thea Newsom F 45-49 1113 58/229 493/1932 34:50.06 11:13
1513 Chastity Whitaker F 35-39 1114 54/196 494/1932 34:51.07 11:14
1134 Madeline Walls F 01-14 1115 66/230 495/1932 34:52.07 11:14
1133 Alicia Walls F 40-44 1116 65/216 496/1932 34:53.03 11:14
745 Monica Buchanan F 45-49 1117 59/229 497/1932 34:54.05 11:15
1550 Robyn Duban F 45-49 1118 60/229 498/1932 34:57 11:15
1549 Bryce Duban M 01-14 1119 89/196 621/1175 34:57.02 11:15

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