2018 Harvest Moon Hustle

10K Overall--Searchable Format


September 14, 2018 in Elmwood, NE

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10K Overall--Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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2350 James Borer M3539 162 34/85 114/359 54:21 53:41 8:39
872 Maria Borer F3034 163 13/119 49/725 54:21 53:42 8:39
202 Ruth Brandt F5559 164 3/43 50/725 54:14 53:43 8:39
651 Daniel Weyer M4044 165 17/63 115/359 55:17 53:43 8:39
645 Andrew Vinton M3539 166 35/85 116/359 54:42 53:44 8:39
2115 Brandi Haltom F4549 167 1/63 51/725 54:58 53:45 8:39
86 Melissa Lee F3539 168 18/190 52/725 54:46 53:55 8:41
398 Matt Secoske M4044 169 18/63 117/359 54:38 53:56 8:41
2172 Sarah Cada F4549 170 2/63 53/725 56:05 53:56 8:41
167 Melanie Verkler F4044 171 9/140 54/725 55:00 53:56 8:41
2230 Alexis Lehman F2529 172 5/83 55/725 54:44 53:57 8:41
2287 Dino Armetta M3034 173 22/72 118/359 56:25 53:57 8:41
2073 Kelly Reichenberg F4044 174 10/140 56/725 54:45 54:01 8:42
2377 Doug Brudny M5559 175 3/16 119/359 54:46 54:01 8:42
2112 Breanna Jensby F2529 176 6/83 57/725 55:27 54:03 8:42
282 Dick James M6599 177 3/4 120/359 54:42 54:16 8:44
886 Therese Liegl F6064 178 1/17 58/725 54:52 54:17 8:45
2443 Scott Rosenbaugh M3539 179 36/85 121/359 55:10 54:17 8:45
2173 Sadie Burr F3539 180 19/190 59/725 55:03 54:24 8:46
51 Sarah Fredrickson F5559 181 4/43 60/725 55:43 54:30 8:47
2342 Rick Hallett M4044 182 19/63 122/359 55:44 54:33 8:47
159 Jordan Strudl F2529 183 7/83 61/725 55:44 54:36 8:48
2167 Mindy Ohnoutka F4044 184 11/140 62/725 55:50 54:37 8:48
2166 Lisa Easter F3539 185 20/190 63/725 55:48 54:38 8:48
319 Karri Martin F3539 186 21/190 64/725 55:58 54:38 8:48
32 Katie Diediker F2529 187 8/83 65/725 56:10 54:41 8:48
435 Ben Tworek M2529 188 12/31 123/359 55:47 54:43 8:49
124 Charlene Pratt F6599 189 1/6 66/725 55:27 54:47 8:49
644 Matt Vavra M4549 190 16/44 124/359 57:08 54:50 8:50
415 Jaclyn Smith F3539 191 22/190 67/725 55:51 54:52 8:50
891 Niki Eisenmann F3539 192 23/190 68/725 56:15 54:56 8:51
2203 Shawn Sanburn M4044 193 20/63 125/359 55:59 54:58 8:51
60 Eileen Hebets F4549 194 3/63 69/725 55:49 55:00 8:52
2378 Michael Forker M3034 195 23/72 126/359 55:32 55:02 8:52
78 Abbie Kempcke F3034 196 14/119 70/725 55:47 55:08 8:53
535 Shayne Krull M3034 197 24/72 127/359 56:58 55:11 8:53
2070 Barbi Clementi F4044 198 12/140 71/725 55:49 55:14 8:54
2096 Pat Driver M3539 199 37/85 128/359 56:13 55:17 8:54
812 Michele Labreck F4549 200 4/63 72/725 56:01 55:17 8:54
100 Jo McAleer F4044 201 13/140 73/725 56:23 55:20 8:55

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