Christmas in LeClaire Ugly Christmas Sweater 5K



December 3, 2022 in LeClaire, IA


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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314 Matthew Wilkinson M3039 64 7/13 36/78 30:05 9:43
331 Shelley McCarty F4049 65 6/53 29/190 30:07 9:43
327 Hayley Smith F2029 66 5/14 30/190 30:07 9:43
1 Leslie Aboud F3039 67 10/49 31/190 30:08 9:43
193 Teagan McGinty F1219 68 5/15 32/190 30:37 9:53
243 Erin Rennert F3039 69 11/49 33/190 30:51 9:57
123 Carrie Helmle F4049 70 7/53 34/190 30:51 9:57
69 Clara Decoster F60UP 71 1/17 35/190 30:52 9:58
12 Jeffrey Arant M4049 72 7/15 37/78 30:53 9:58
237 Ashley Potts F3039 73 12/49 36/190 30:59 10:00
198 Mike Mendelin M4049 74 8/15 38/78 31:01 10:01
63 Vinton Cromer M60UP 75 5/11 39/78 31:02 10:01
135 Samantha Houselog F3039 76 13/49 37/190 31:15 10:05
232 Paul Pasker M5059 77 5/12 40/78 31:25 10:08
33 Angelica Bridges F3039 78 14/49 38/190 31:31 10:10
138 Katie Iverson F4049 79 8/53 39/190 31:43 10:14
259 Marianne Schroeder F60UP 80 2/17 40/190 31:51 10:17
262 Hailie Shemek F1219 81 6/15 41/190 31:59 10:19
184 Maddie Mathis F1219 82 7/15 42/190 32:00 10:20
2 Allison Adrian F1219 83 8/15 43/190 32:02 10:20
221 Lisa O CONNOR F3039 84 15/49 44/190 32:10 10:23
340 Jamie Bice F4049 85 9/53 45/190 32:26 10:28
109 Malik Gilmore M1219 86 13/16 41/78 32:27 10:28
273 Savana Stalkfleet F1219 87 9/15 46/190 32:27 10:28
199 Logann Mennie F1219 88 10/15 47/190 32:34 10:31
274 Annie Stanislawski F2029 89 6/14 48/190 33:08 10:42
322 Zack Gold M2029 90 3/4 42/78 33:08 10:42
324 Charles Huntington M0111 91 2/7 43/78 33:12 10:43
124 Rebekah Henneman F3039 92 16/49 49/190 33:15 10:44
207 Shannon Moore F3039 93 17/49 50/190 33:16 10:44
323 Benjamin Huntington M3039 94 8/13 44/78 33:39 10:52
310 Athon Wilcox M1219 95 14/16 45/78 33:52 10:56
222 Elizabeth Ohern F5059 96 6/35 51/190 34:05 11:00
288 Ian Theis M4049 97 9/15 46/78 34:06 11:00
130 Violet Hodgson F1219 98 11/15 52/190 34:07 11:01
287 Erica Theis F3039 99 18/49 53/190 34:08 11:01
47 Karina Carlson F4049 100 10/53 54/190 34:08 11:01
121 Christiana Headley F4049 101 11/53 55/190 34:10 11:02
336 Laurie Brasche F5059 102 7/35 56/190 34:26 11:07
51 Andrew Cheek M5059 103 6/12 47/78 34:28 11:07

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