Indy Half Marathon at Fort Ben



October 7, 2023 in Indianapolis, IN

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2421 Jamie Harness F 30-34 731 646 39/65 232/459 1:05:09 10:31 660 2:35 2:24:44 660 2:20:21 10:43
1681 Patrick Ryan M 60-64 791 647 18/36 414/546 1:03:04 10:11 589 2:44 2:23:21 645 2:20:31 10:44
1738 Gustavo Gomez M 35-39 741 648 62/73 415/546 1:00:26 9:45 510 2:37 2:23:17 640 2:20:34 10:44
2435 Keith Broadnax M 55-59 620 649 27/41 416/546 1:05:37 10:35 674 2:19 2:25:19 666 2:20:41 10:45
1671 Brad Southard M 50-54 695 650 36/52 417/546 1:06:00 10:39 684 2:29 2:23:47 651 2:20:42 10:45
2423 Angie Baker F 55-59 831 651 6/25 233/459 1:04:38 10:26 633 2:52 2:25:20 667 2:20:42 10:45
1918 Megan Gorsky F 20-24 570 652 20/26 234/459 1:07:23 10:53 705 2:10 2:23:34 646 2:20:47 10:45
1917 Karla Gorsky F 55-59 565 653 7/25 235/459 1:07:24 10:53 706 2:10 2:23:34 647 2:20:47 10:45
1831 Lawrence Don M 30-34 683 654 62/76 418/546 1:05:41 10:36 677 2:27 2:23:38 648 2:20:55 10:46
2311 Marissa Smith F 30-34 697 655 40/65 236/459 1:03:26 10:14 602 2:29 2:25:51 671 2:21:01 10:46
2505 Kodi Colip F 30-34 703 656 41/65 237/459 1:03:27 10:14 603 2:30 2:25:36 669 2:21:04 10:47
2314 Kyle Kennicott M 30-34 521 657 63/76 419/546 1:05:03 10:30 651 2:06 2:25:56 673 2:21:14 10:47
2196 Marilyn Kirchgesner F 60-64 591 658 5/25 238/459 1:05:49 10:37 683 2:14 2:25:34 668 2:21:14 10:47
1911 Matthew Scott M 25-29 549 659 50/60 420/546 1:04:23 10:23 626 2:08 2:24:26 653 2:21:17 10:48
1325 Robert Lopez M 55-59 636 660 28/41 421/546 1:08:45 11:06 732 2:21 2:25:56 672 2:21:18 10:48
1944 Gabriel Garcia M 25-29 538 661 51/60 422/546 1:05:01 10:30 649 2:08 2:24:35 656 2:21:21 10:48
2473 Cody Stover M 30-34 542 662 64/76 423/546 1:05:02 10:30 650 2:08 2:24:36 657 2:21:21 10:48
1784 Kim Croft F 50-54 640 663 17/39 239/459 1:05:46 10:37 680 2:21 2:24:36 658 2:21:27 10:48
1770 Michael Perry M 45-49 575 664 43/52 424/546 1:05:05 10:30 652 2:11 2:24:27 654 2:21:28 10:48
1710 Rebeka Mercker F 25-29 637 665 42/67 240/459 1:03:58 10:19 614 2:21 2:24:33 655 2:21:42 10:49
2017 Kentrell Harris M 30-34 500 666 65/76 425/546 58:47 9:29 453 2:04 2:24:37 659 2:21:44 10:50
2395 David Cheslyn Jr M 30-34 159 667 66/76 426/546 1:09:38 11:14 750 1:34 2:26:35 679 2:22:07 10:51
2033 Adam Kremer M 25-29 9 668 52/60 427/546 1:05:05 10:30 653 1:07 2:25:15 664 2:22:07 10:51
1864 Laurel Kiselis F 20-24 4 669 21/26 241/459 1:05:08 10:31 659 1:02 2:25:15 663 2:22:08 10:51
1837 Caleb Delieto M 25-29 12 670 53/60 428/546 1:05:07 10:31 657 1:09 2:25:15 662 2:22:08 10:51
2309 Rafael Parra M 45-49 651 671 44/52 429/546 1:06:48 10:47 698 2:23 2:26:52 682 2:22:10 10:52
2308 Adriana Patino F 45-49 761 672 19/37 242/459 1:06:48 10:47 697 2:40 2:27:06 684 2:22:24 10:53
2013 David Hillenbrand M 70-74 879 673 6/11 430/546 1:03:22 10:14 598 3:02 2:25:14 661 2:22:25 10:53
2344 Liz Nichols F 35-39 759 674 37/70 243/459 1:06:04 10:40 686 2:40 2:27:18 686 2:22:36 10:54
1822 Kelsey Flanagan F 35-39 718 675 38/70 244/459 1:04:38 10:26 634 2:33 2:25:17 665 2:22:38 10:54
1465 Chuck Alfrey M 55-59 517 676 29/41 431/546 1:08:27 11:03 726 2:06 2:24:20 652 2:22:48 10:55
2219 Steve Rodino M 65-69 480 677 9/17 432/546 1:05:10 10:31 661 2:03 2:27:58 690 2:22:55 10:55
1975 Amy Bichey F 45-49 560 678 20/37 245/459 1:09:17 11:11 744 2:09 2:26:08 675 2:22:57 10:55
1882 Kate Stamatkin F 40-44 796 679 35/64 246/459 1:05:14 10:32 664 2:45 2:25:44 670 2:22:59 10:55
1980 Steve McCauley M 40-44 746 680 51/63 433/546 1:02:25 10:05 573 2:38 2:26:02 674 2:23:01 10:56
2012 Ryan Hecker M 25-29 657 681 54/60 434/546 1:04:30 10:25 632 2:23 2:26:31 678 2:23:14 10:56
1891 Eric Sweatt M 45-49 865 682 45/52 435/546 1:03:24 10:14 599 2:59 2:26:17 677 2:23:18 10:57
1712 Karlee Guerrero F 25-29 768 683 43/67 247/459 1:05:13 10:32 663 2:41 2:26:17 676 2:23:19 10:57
2382 Andrew Hamilton M 30-34 499 684 67/76 436/546 1:07:31 10:54 711 2:04 2:47:04 832 2:23:36 10:58
2411 Morgan Robb F 25-29 663 685 44/67 248/459 1:03:35 10:16 607 2:24 2:28:01 692 2:23:39 10:58

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