Christmas in LeClaire Ugly Christmas Sweater 5K



December 3, 2022 in LeClaire, IA


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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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328 Ethan Trujillo M1219 32 8/16 21/78 25:39 8:17
220 Jacob O CONNOR M1219 33 9/16 22/78 25:40 8:17
60 Madison Cousins F2029 34 3/14 12/190 26:02 8:24
242 Yvonne Regan F5059 35 2/35 13/190 26:09 8:27
246 Eve Reynolds F5059 36 3/35 14/190 26:28 8:33
31 Allison Borkowski F2029 37 4/14 15/190 26:32 8:34
122 Michael Heille M60UP 38 1/11 23/78 26:45 8:38
100 Ryan Frye M4049 39 4/15 24/78 27:05 8:44
270 Jessi Spath F3039 40 5/49 16/190 27:08 8:45
236 Joe Peters M5059 41 4/12 25/78 27:26 8:51
269 Barbara Sollars F5059 42 4/35 17/190 28:01 9:03
272 Bryce Stalkfleet M0111 43 1/7 26/78 28:05 9:04
151 Alfred Keith M4049 44 5/15 27/78 28:07 9:05
163 Kelsey Kropf F3039 45 6/49 18/190 28:16 9:08
150 Makana Kapua M1219 46 10/16 28/78 28:22 9:10
141 Brett Jackson M60UP 47 2/11 29/78 28:27 9:11
70 Patrick Decoster M60UP 48 3/11 30/78 28:40 9:15
49 Heather Carpenter F1219 49 3/15 19/190 28:42 9:16
48 David Carpenter M4049 50 6/15 31/78 28:42 9:16
149 Jessica Jones F3039 51 7/49 20/190 28:53 9:19
185 Alex Mayszak M3039 52 6/13 32/78 28:56 9:20
145 Lisa Johnson F5059 53 5/35 21/190 29:00 9:22
90 Gladys Fernas F4049 54 3/53 22/190 29:05 9:23
244 Haddie Rennert F0111 55 1/7 23/190 29:06 9:24
64 Landon Dalaska M1219 56 11/16 33/78 29:09 9:25
65 Jackie Damhoff F4049 57 4/53 24/190 29:13 9:26
161 Brian Kopf M60UP 58 4/11 34/78 29:20 9:28
11 Luke Anderson M1219 59 12/16 35/78 29:26 9:30
39 Tori Browning F1219 60 4/15 25/190 29:26 9:30
342 Grace Simpson F3039 61 8/49 26/190 29:30 9:31
206 Kim Moeller F4049 62 5/53 27/190 29:51 9:38
107 Bridget Garnica F3039 63 9/49 28/190 29:59 9:41
314 Matthew Wilkinson M3039 64 7/13 36/78 30:05 9:43
331 Shelley McCarty F4049 65 6/53 29/190 30:07 9:43
327 Hayley Smith F2029 66 5/14 30/190 30:07 9:43
1 Leslie Aboud F3039 67 10/49 31/190 30:08 9:43
193 Teagan McGinty F1219 68 5/15 32/190 30:37 9:53
243 Erin Rennert F3039 69 11/49 33/190 30:51 9:57
123 Carrie Helmle F4049 70 7/53 34/190 30:51 9:57
69 Clara Decoster F60UP 71 1/17 35/190 30:52 9:58

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