2018 Harvest Moon Hustle

10K Overall--Searchable Format


September 14, 2018 in Elmwood, NE

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10K Overall--Searchable Format - Results

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584 Dustin Oltman M3539 952 81/85 338/359 1:28:43 1:25:56 13:50
531 Emily Killham F3539 953 162/190 615/725 1:29:20 1:25:57 13:50
2418 Nishja Nuss F3539 954 163/190 616/725 1:29:29 1:25:59 13:51
2326 Ashlee Fish F2024 955 17/23 617/725 1:28:57 1:26:01 13:51
241 Tyler Fletcher M3034 956 69/72 339/359 1:29:40 1:26:01 13:51
857 Heather Comstock F4044 957 121/140 618/725 1:30:28 1:26:02 13:51
490 Jacqui Donner F4044 958 122/140 619/725 1:29:04 1:26:05 13:52
673 Joshua Donner M4044 959 62/63 340/359 1:29:04 1:26:06 13:52
2157 Jackie Boller F3539 960 164/190 620/725 1:29:23 1:26:08 13:52
2159 Ashley Heitman F3539 961 165/190 621/725 1:29:24 1:26:09 13:52
736 Keith Swarts M6599 962 4/4 341/359 1:30:25 1:26:17 13:54
496 Maria Engen F4549 963 57/63 622/725 1:28:24 1:26:27 13:55
670 C Todd Cook M5054 964 17/18 342/359 1:29:11 1:26:27 13:55
677 Kristen Friedrichsen F3539 965 166/190 623/725 1:28:24 1:26:27 13:55
485 Angie Cook F2024 966 18/23 624/725 1:29:11 1:26:27 13:55
2163 Jamie Barrett F3539 967 167/190 625/725 1:29:33 1:26:27 13:55
2058 Heather Elton F4549 968 58/63 626/725 1:29:33 1:26:30 13:56
404 Tammy Shires F4044 969 123/140 627/725 1:30:58 1:26:36 13:57
2448 Katie Umland F3034 970 103/119 628/725 1:31:11 1:26:36 13:57
2185 Beth Ackland F5559 971 37/43 629/725 1:29:42 1:26:39 13:57
185 Joel Adkins M4044 972 63/63 343/359 1:32:05 1:26:42 13:58
439 Beth Luedders F3539 973 168/190 630/725 1:31:59 1:26:49 13:59
2186 Chelsea Rolofson F2529 974 72/83 631/725 1:31:07 1:27:08 14:02
686 Katie Hauge F2529 975 73/83 632/725 1:30:34 1:27:21 14:04
2381 Claire Bratt F3034 976 104/119 633/725 1:32:04 1:27:26 14:05
421 Stephanie Stelzer F3034 977 105/119 634/725 1:32:38 1:27:32 14:06
2343 Lori Knoche F4044 978 124/140 635/725 1:31:41 1:27:36 14:06
424 Susan Swearer F5054 979 31/37 636/725 1:31:45 1:27:36 14:06
545 David Lehn M2529 980 30/31 344/359 1:32:23 1:27:49 14:08
393 Nikki Schafer F3034 981 106/119 637/725 1:30:45 1:27:59 14:10
448 Jen Wickard F3539 982 169/190 638/725 1:30:45 1:27:59 14:10
2441 Natalie Johnson F4044 983 125/140 639/725 1:31:07 1:28:01 14:10
2155 Melissa Bowers F3539 984 170/190 640/725 1:31:38 1:28:07 14:11
347 Dilia Nasimova F4044 985 126/140 641/725 1:30:46 1:28:08 14:11
2332 Amy Burns F4044 986 127/140 642/725 1:28:44 1:28:11 14:12
770 Holly Ortega F5559 987 38/43 643/725 1:28:44 1:28:12 14:12
2270 Emily Drummy F2024 988 19/23 644/725 1:31:40 1:28:13 14:12
2315 Crystal Hruby F4044 989 128/140 645/725 1:32:59 1:28:15 14:13
459 Michael Zimmerman M5559 990 16/16 345/359 1:32:47 1:28:20 14:13
25 Lisa Couillard F5559 991 39/43 646/725 1:32:47 1:28:21 14:13

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