Hunger 5K Run/Walk 2018

5K Competitive Run/Walk

It  has come to our attention that during the race one of our computers became inaccurate in recording participants' times. The results page has been updated. We understand that accurate timing is a very important part of participating in the Hunger 5K, and we sincerely apologize for this issue. If you would like a refund for your race registration fees due to this error, please contact


November 3, 2018 in Blue Ash, OH

Event Groups

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Results By

5K Competitive Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
number of records per page: [10] [25] [all]

3030 Nora Touassi F 01-14 705 61/195 278/1581 32:05 10:21
2091 Annabella Black F 15-18 706 26/84 279/1581 32:05 10:21
3013 Heather Tash F 34-39 707 31/129 280/1581 32:06 10:22
1302 Stephen Young M 25-29 708 23/56 428/1075 32:07 10:22
3032 Leslie Touassi F 25-29 709 23/110 281/1581 32:11 10:23
131 Rodrick Lattimore M 55-59 710 29/81 429/1075 32:12 10:23
264 Terry Wolf F 55-59 711 14/139 282/1581 32:12 10:24
81 Tracey Biddle F 40-44 712 36/155 283/1581 32:13 10:24
3031 Amy Touassi F 30-34 713 22/101 284/1581 32:14 10:24
3284 Tyler Parker M 34-39 714 35/85 430/1075 32:15 10:25
479 Nick Wheeler M 34-39 715 36/85 431/1075 32:16 10:25
2588 Sara Kjorvestad F 15-18 716 27/84 285/1581 32:17 10:25
3397 Mitch Autry M 45-49 717 39/93 432/1075 32:18 10:26
877 John Quimby M 50-54 718 28/74 433/1075 32:23 10:27
2749 Dave Nordwick M 50-54 719 29/74 434/1075 32:23 10:27
776 Lloyd Hamilton M 65-69 720 5/50 435/1075 32:25 10:28
3333 Tricia Brewer F 01-14 721 62/195 286/1581 32:25 10:28
3089 Jeremy Whalen M 40-44 722 51/98 436/1075 32:25 10:28
2234 Olivia Cipolla F 01-14 723 63/195 287/1581 32:25 10:28
3335 Matt Brewer M 45-49 724 40/93 437/1075 32:25 10:28
18 Nicholas Chernock M 15-18 725 57/75 438/1075 32:26 10:28
154 Stephanie Nichols F 34-39 726 32/129 288/1581 32:28 10:29
399 Rachel Bernard F 01-14 727 64/195 289/1581 32:31 10:30
155 Becky Novacek F 30-34 728 23/101 290/1581 32:32 10:30
2572 Olivia Kelsey F 01-14 729 65/195 291/1581 32:32 10:30
2233 Madeline Christmas F 15-18 730 28/84 292/1581 32:33 10:30
3145 Callie Zellner F 15-18 731 29/84 293/1581 32:33 10:30
865 Amity Denman F 34-39 732 33/129 294/1581 32:34 10:31
1713 Chris Hertzel M 45-49 733 41/93 439/1075 32:34 10:31
3006 Martha Surber F 50-54 734 21/147 295/1581 32:35 10:31
2825 Jasen Price M 50-54 735 30/74 440/1075 32:35 10:31
12 Samantha Kindt F 01-14 736 66/195 296/1581 32:36 10:31
2548 Amanda Kalfas F 30-34 737 24/101 297/1581 32:37 10:32
11 Patrick Kindt M 40-44 738 52/98 441/1075 32:37 10:32
110 Jeriah Houghton M 25-29 739 24/56 442/1075 32:37 10:32
2295 Julie Dorenbusch F 30-34 740 25/101 298/1581 32:40 10:32
2143 Melissa Barboza F 34-39 741 34/129 299/1581 32:41 10:33
2742 Sharon Niehaus F 45-49 742 21/132 300/1581 32:41 10:33
2769 Nick Otto M 30-34 743 29/65 443/1075 32:44 10:34
1930 Nicole Hawkins F 40-44 744 37/155 301/1581 32:44 10:34

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