Michael Treinen Foundation 15th Annual Turkey Trot

5K Run/Walk


November 24, 2022 in Noblesville, IN


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5K Run/Walk - Results

Charts and Stats
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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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781 Aiden Caddell M 13-19 54 27/72 42/318 23:07 7:27
1078 Carter McGill M 20-29 55 8/57 43/318 23:16 7:30
762 Grace Boivin F 13-19 56 8/80 13/340 23:16 7:30
1091 Claire Milam F 13-19 57 9/80 14/340 23:17 7:30
866 Ryan Doster M 13-19 58 28/72 44/318 23:36 7:36
1376 David Holstein M 30-39 59 5/34 45/318 23:40 7:37
1126 Cooper Navarro M 13-19 60 29/72 46/318 23:44 7:39
994 Griffin Innerst M 13-19 61 30/72 47/318 23:44 7:39
820 Galiena Colon F 13-19 62 10/80 15/340 23:44 7:39
809 Chloe Click F 13-19 63 11/80 16/340 23:57 7:43
903 Todd Fogelsong M 30-39 64 6/34 48/318 23:59 7:43
1267 Lathan Stuart M 20-29 65 9/57 49/318 24:07 7:46
859 Frank Dombroski M 50-59 66 1/52 50/318 24:08 7:47
736 Kevin Ault M 40-49 67 3/49 51/318 24:09 7:47
858 Zoe Dinius F 13-19 68 12/80 17/340 24:09 7:47
746 Jessica Barnes F 20-29 69 4/62 18/340 24:14 7:48
827 Brooklyn Couch F 13-19 70 13/80 19/340 24:14 7:48
1496 Isabella Ligenfelter F 13-19 71 14/80 20/340 24:15 7:49
1195 Ella Rinker F 13-19 72 15/80 21/340 24:17 7:49
1337 Dan Wolfgang M 50-59 73 2/52 52/318 24:24 7:52
1338 Emily Wolfgang F 30-39 74 1/30 22/340 24:39 7:56
1207 Ben Rose M 13-19 75 31/72 53/318 24:39 7:56
742 Luke Balciunas M 20-29 76 10/57 54/318 24:41 7:57
821 Savannah Congrove F 20-29 77 5/62 23/340 24:41 7:57
1079 Samara McGill F 20-29 78 6/62 24/340 24:45 7:58
1334 Barry Wirkner M 40-49 79 4/49 55/318 24:50 8:00
831 Jeremy Cox M 40-49 80 5/49 56/318 24:59 8:03
993 Jacob Huskin M 20-29 81 11/57 57/318 25:03 8:04
1447 McKenna Crawford F 20-29 82 7/62 25/340 25:04 8:04
951 Stephen Harmas M 30-39 83 7/34 58/318 25:12 8:07
1360 Jack Carney M 30-39 84 8/34 59/318 25:13 8:07
1273 Tate Stuntz M 50-59 85 3/52 60/318 25:15 8:08
1092 Kevin Milam M 40-49 86 6/49 61/318 25:15 8:08
763 Joe Boivin M 40-49 87 7/49 62/318 25:16 8:08
1071 Sam Mayo M 13-19 88 32/72 63/318 25:16 8:08
1155 Jake Paska M 13-19 89 33/72 64/318 25:17 8:09
914 Oliver Golden M 13-19 90 34/72 65/318 25:20 8:09
1490 Theo Rockhill M NOAGE 91 3/12 66/318 25:20 8:09
911 Charlie Golden M 13-19 92 35/72 67/318 25:20 8:10
1074 Chase McCallum M 13-19 93 36/72 68/318 25:23 8:11

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