2020 Harvest Moon Hustle

10K Overall--Searchable Format

Event Postponed until Sunday September 13 due to weather


September 13, 2020 in Elmwood, NE

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10K Overall--Searchable Format - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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779 Amelia Fiser F4549 291 15/33 142/292 1:02:02 1:01:54 9:58
883 Carlie Langan F3034 292 26/48 143/292 1:03:12 1:01:56 9:59
1221 Ryan Munter M3539 293 28/39 150/200 1:03:12 1:01:57 9:59
842 Mikayla Duarte F2529 294 17/38 144/292 1:03:51 1:01:59 9:59
436 Daniel Walker M4044 295 35/43 151/200 1:03:46 1:02:01 9:59
1089 Karla Labenz F5559 296 11/20 145/292 1:03:20 1:02:14 10:01
1099 Brenda Weyers F5054 297 12/28 146/292 1:05:03 1:02:24 10:03
396 Randal Kercher M2024 298 5/5 152/200 1:03:47 1:02:27 10:03
802 Jason Goetzinger M3539 299 29/39 153/200 1:03:06 1:02:47 10:07
1342 Bruce Griffin M4044 300 36/43 154/200 1:04:17 1:02:57 10:08
869 Eve Gilbert F4044 301 17/37 147/292 1:04:39 1:02:57 10:08
521 Mandi Wooledge F4044 302 18/37 148/292 1:03:49 1:03:00 10:09
850 Andrea Gallagher F4044 303 19/37 149/292 1:03:49 1:03:00 10:09
800 Kayleigh Peterson F3034 304 27/48 150/292 1:04:06 1:03:08 10:10
1264 Autumn Rivers F2529 305 18/38 151/292 1:03:26 1:03:21 10:12
526 Brian Dickey M4044 306 37/43 155/200 1:04:08 1:03:25 10:13
1219 Scott Brester M4044 307 38/43 156/200 1:04:19 1:03:30 10:14
1071 Kelli Bull F3539 308 44/71 152/292 1:03:58 1:03:31 10:14
886 Dan Pokorney M5054 309 17/20 157/200 1:05:50 1:03:32 10:14
871 Leeann Mertens F2024 310 2/5 153/292 1:06:22 1:03:40 10:15
1160 Caitlyn Hedrick F2024 311 3/5 154/292 1:06:23 1:03:40 10:15
753 Kara Foster F5054 312 13/28 155/292 1:03:47 1:03:47 10:16
507 Brenda Steinhauser F5054 313 14/28 156/292 1:04:44 1:03:52 10:17
831 Tonya Horst F4549 314 16/33 157/292 1:05:17 1:03:52 10:17
397 Joe Townley M5559 315 7/11 158/200 1:06:53 1:03:59 10:18
804 Tom Byrne M5559 316 8/11 159/200 1:06:53 1:04:02 10:19
1327 Jennifer Bryson F4044 317 20/37 158/292 1:04:25 1:04:03 10:19
1193 Bridgett Petzoldt F4549 318 17/33 159/292 1:07:15 1:04:03 10:19
1324 Beth Swihart F3539 319 45/71 160/292 1:04:25 1:04:04 10:19
1068 Kurt Davey M5559 320 9/11 160/200 1:06:53 1:04:05 10:19
763 Vivian Gay F0119 321 4/5 161/292 1:05:45 1:04:07 10:20
945 Jenniffer Panko-Rahe F5054 322 15/28 162/292 1:06:44 1:04:11 10:20
1249 Aubree Madsen F4044 323 21/37 163/292 1:06:44 1:04:12 10:20
1066 Rachel Jarvis F2529 324 19/38 164/292 1:07:01 1:04:18 10:21
875 Marla Trampe F6064 325 3/6 165/292 1:05:00 1:04:23 10:22
548 Tony Brollini M3034 326 26/29 161/200 1:05:57 1:04:26 10:23
1118 Brooke Brollini F3034 327 28/48 166/292 1:05:57 1:04:26 10:23
1122 Elaine Zoucha F5054 328 16/28 167/292 1:04:40 1:04:26 10:23
553 Stacey Carnazzo F4549 329 18/33 168/292 1:07:03 1:04:44 10:26
903 Randy Geise M5559 330 10/11 162/200 1:05:23 1:04:51 10:27

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