Indy Half Marathon at Fort Ben



October 7, 2023 in Indianapolis, IN

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Half-Marathon - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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1001 Taryn Garlington F ELITE 53 24 5/10 6/459 39:16 6:20 23 1:21 1:23:34 24 1:23:31 6:23
1186 Dylan Rocha M PACER 20 25 1/12 19/546 40:29 6:32 29 1:12 1:25:02 25 1:24:59 6:30
1161 Reed Bailey M 40-44 73 26 1/63 20/546 39:59 6:27 25 1:24 1:25:13 26 1:25:10 6:31
1182 Koichi Ikeda M 40-44 34 27 2/63 21/546 40:28 6:32 28 1:17 1:25:19 27 1:25:15 6:31
1200 Willem De Veirman M 20-24 52 28 2/33 22/546 40:30 6:32 30 1:21 1:25:40 28 1:25:36 6:32
1006 Abbey Warth F ELITE 35 29 6/10 7/459 40:51 6:36 35 1:17 1:25:46 29 1:25:42 6:33
1180 Eric Thaman M 30-34 30 30 1/76 23/546 40:48 6:35 33 1:16 1:25:49 30 1:25:46 6:33
1032 Add Sinchai M PACER 10 31 2/12 24/546 41:14 6:39 38 1:07 1:27:15 37 1:26:06 6:35
1093 Michael Root M 35-39 94 32 3/73 25/546 40:05 6:28 26 1:28 1:26:13 31 1:26:06 6:35
1139 Brian Akialis M 30-34 60 33 2/76 26/546 40:47 6:35 32 1:23 1:26:44 32 1:26:42 6:38
1067 Christopher Meyer M 35-39 49 34 4/73 27/546 41:46 6:45 39 1:20 1:26:49 33 1:26:47 6:38
1109 Michael Smith M 60-64 85 35 1/36 28/546 40:45 6:35 31 1:26 1:26:53 34 1:26:49 6:38
1129 Steven Seiler M 35-39 25 36 5/73 29/546 40:58 6:37 36 1:14 1:27:04 36 1:26:52 6:38
1285 John Clyma M 50-54 - 37 1/52 30/546 - - - - 1:33:27 66 1:26:53 6:38
1011 Sarah Kittle F ELITE 71 38 7/10 8/459 40:50 6:36 34 1:24 1:26:55 35 1:26:54 6:39
1009 Lucie Sulewski F ELITE 61 39 8/10 9/459 41:48 6:45 40 1:23 1:27:27 38 1:27:23 6:41
1064 Grant Schneider M 35-39 77 40 6/73 31/546 42:18 6:50 46 1:25 1:29:03 44 1:27:49 6:43
1198 William Kindrick M 30-34 67 41 3/76 32/546 41:06 6:38 37 1:23 1:28:17 39 1:28:16 6:45
1061 Jeremy Defossett M 25-29 58 42 5/60 33/546 41:54 6:46 41 1:22 1:28:20 40 1:28:17 6:45
1087 Edgar Estrada M 25-29 38 43 6/60 34/546 42:46 6:54 56 1:18 1:28:33 41 1:28:27 6:46
1159 Chad Reed M 45-49 48 44 1/52 35/546 42:12 6:49 45 1:20 1:28:36 42 1:28:30 6:46
1183 Christian High M 50-54 50 45 2/52 36/546 42:18 6:50 49 1:20 1:28:59 43 1:28:55 6:48
1115 Gage Pace M 25-29 54 46 7/60 37/546 42:09 6:48 43 1:21 1:29:19 45 1:29:13 6:49
1005 Jessica Ramsey F ELITE 66 47 9/10 10/459 42:08 6:48 42 1:23 1:29:22 46 1:29:20 6:50
1033 Joseph Kitchell M PACER 41 48 3/12 38/546 42:18 6:50 47 1:19 1:29:55 47 1:29:50 6:52
1158 Matthew Wagner M 35-39 76 49 7/73 39/546 42:23 6:51 53 1:25 1:30:07 48 1:30:01 6:53
1068 Darrin Lewis M 40-44 144 50 3/63 40/546 42:22 6:50 52 1:33 1:30:14 49 1:30:13 6:54
1074 Joel Compton M 35-39 56 51 8/73 41/546 43:39 7:03 64 1:22 1:30:30 51 1:30:16 6:54
1172 Joe Frucci M 65-69 91 52 1/17 42/546 42:19 6:50 50 1:27 1:30:22 50 1:30:18 6:54
1010 Elizabeth Wells F ELITE 115 53 10/10 11/459 42:18 6:50 48 1:30 1:30:45 52 1:30:43 6:56
1149 Joshua Griesi M 25-29 51 54 8/60 43/546 43:50 7:05 65 1:21 1:31:13 53 1:31:07 6:58
1480 Alex Thomas M 20-24 63 55 3/33 44/546 42:47 6:54 57 1:23 1:32:18 59 1:31:12 6:58
1091 Dr Jeff Williams M 55-59 31 56 1/41 45/546 43:16 6:59 60 1:16 1:31:44 55 1:31:35 7:00
1065 Taushah Papke F 40-44 80 57 1/64 12/459 43:17 6:59 61 1:26 1:31:39 54 1:31:36 7:00
1156 Daniel Schelling M 30-34 148 58 4/76 46/546 42:21 6:50 51 1:34 1:31:52 56 1:31:45 7:01
1096 Adam Shoemaker M 35-39 102 59 9/73 47/546 43:25 7:01 62 1:28 1:31:56 57 1:31:48 7:01
1190 Daniel Ordaz M 45-49 103 60 2/52 48/546 44:41 7:13 82 1:29 1:32:00 58 1:31:55 7:01
1912 Pedro Feliciano M 25-29 33 61 9/60 49/546 46:06 7:27 94 1:17 1:35:01 78 1:32:10 7:03
1138 Ian McCabe M 35-39 118 62 10/73 50/546 43:11 6:58 59 1:30 1:32:23 60 1:32:17 7:03
1118 Clayton Marrs M 30-34 104 63 5/76 51/546 42:35 6:53 55 1:29 1:32:24 61 1:32:23 7:04

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