Christmas in LeClaire Ugly Christmas Sweater 5K



December 3, 2022 in LeClaire, IA


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5k - Results

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displaying: 1 - 40 of 40
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66 Sophie Damhoff F1219 157 14/15 97/190 43:07 13:55
165 Jenna Landheer F3039 158 28/49 98/190 43:08 13:55
245 Dannie Reynolds M5059 159 8/12 61/78 43:13 13:57
312 Karmen Wilkinson F5059 160 17/35 99/190 43:49 14:08
42 Rylen Burds F0111 161 4/7 100/190 43:52 14:09
319 Kirstie Yeo F3039 162 29/49 101/190 43:55 14:10
215 Liz Neff F3039 163 30/49 102/190 43:55 14:10
238 Teri Preston F60UP 164 7/17 103/190 44:09 14:15
326 Joann Metz F60UP 165 8/17 104/190 44:16 14:17
289 Brenda Thomas F60UP 166 9/17 105/190 44:24 14:20
278 Kris Stilson F5059 167 18/35 106/190 44:25 14:20
54 Christy Boeken F4049 168 24/53 107/190 44:32 14:22
111 Heather Gritton F4049 169 25/53 108/190 44:38 14:24
112 Matt Gritton M5059 170 9/12 62/78 44:38 14:24
217 Nancy Nelson F60UP 171 10/17 109/190 45:20 14:38
303 Nicole Waner F3039 172 31/49 110/190 45:55 14:49
88 Jeff Farmer M5059 173 10/12 63/78 46:06 14:53
96 Kate Fleetwood F4049 174 26/53 111/190 46:46 15:05
313 Lenny Wilkinson M5059 175 11/12 64/78 47:10 15:13
171 Sarah Lentz-Kapua F5059 176 19/35 112/190 47:41 15:23
115 Kellen Hanghian M0111 177 6/7 65/78 47:41 15:23
211 Jessica Motto F4049 178 27/53 113/190 48:21 15:36
152 Ashley Keppy F3039 179 32/49 114/190 49:00 15:49
102 Haley Gabelmann F3039 180 33/49 115/190 49:01 15:49
116 Sorcia Hanghian F4049 181 28/53 116/190 49:11 15:52
30 Lea Borders F3039 182 34/49 117/190 49:32 15:59
58 Lindsay Cornick F3039 183 35/49 118/190 50:29 16:17
32 Cari Brasmer F4049 184 29/53 119/190 50:48 16:23
136 Michelle Houy F5059 185 20/35 120/190 50:49 16:24
239 Deanna Printy F5059 186 21/35 121/190 51:19 16:33
167 Jackie Lauritzen F5059 187 22/35 122/190 51:19 16:34
52 Mandy Cheek F4049 188 30/53 123/190 51:21 16:34
320 Sarah Neff F5059 189 23/35 124/190 51:24 16:35
254 Joanne Salyars F5059 190 24/35 125/190 51:24 16:35
25 Aeryn Bocox F1219 191 15/15 126/190 51:28 16:36
26 Ben Bocox M4049 192 11/15 66/78 51:28 16:37
37 Lillianna Brown F0111 193 5/7 127/190 51:30 16:37
279 Gerald Stock M5059 194 12/12 67/78 51:37 16:39
14 Kelly Attwood F4049 195 31/53 128/190 51:53 16:44
223 Jose Olivarez M4049 196 12/15 68/78 51:55 16:45

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